Ladies, this is the place for your own special brand of confession. Did you sleep with your best friend's boyfriend? Did your Aunt Flo visit unexpectedly while you were wearing white pants? Did your boyfriend lose a condom inside you? Is there a burning sex question you'd like to ask that only a woman would understand? This is the place. The things you can confess here might fall into other sections, too - but here you have your own place to post. After all, this section is ..for Women Only.

Too Wet?

Over the few years that Ive been having sex I’ve come across a few guys that told me I get too wet.

Honestly I didn’t know it was a thing. I figured wet pussy was something all guys enjoyed but it seems some think it’s too wet.

I know I get pretty wet. I have to put a pad in my panties to absorb all the juices some days when I’m really horny.

  • Am I Normal Or Abnormal, Alone Or Have Company Of Other Women Like Me

    I wonder if other women feel like me. Putting up with a man wanting sex from you. It's messy, invasive, dominating, etc. I never feel the burn, I want him to finish and get off me. I don't like him invading my privacy. I won't pee in front of him, I don't like being watched in the shower, I don't like bring caught half dressed.

    I do my part, I do all of the cooking, he helps with errands but won't do dishes. He earns most of the money. I wear my 'rings' so he doesn't blow a fuse, I feel I have a sign around my neck 'private property'. I had my tubes tied after an abortion because I am not mother material.

    I can't explain why I got married, because he insisted and I worked with him. After getting married I had to give up my job since company policy didn't allow both of us working together. Since I got married I haven't worked full time. I am well aware that I'm a dependent, but I can't get up the energy to look for a job.

    I've only been intimate with him, so I have no real idea. I've taken those tests on the internet that always come out gay or bisexual. I do prefer a woman's look than a male. I stopped going to the gym because this woman kept hitting on me and insinuating. I was put off because she's into body building and I find that repulsive. My idea of female is a friendly, pretty, all American girl, apple pie, and curls. That's the look I strive for. That's what my husband saw, but I can't get the desire to be close to him when he's in that mood.

    Raised From Birth To Have Children, I Have Five Of My Own, And His Two

    I knew one thing when I was growing up, I wasn't staying in the town I grew up with. Over time I knew of some girls who had made it out, not stayed to be bred like an animal. Some became sex workers in Red Deer, others joined the military. Some ran away with a traveling salesman. It didn't matter, just get out of there.

    I had a friend, and she had a cousin in Oklahoma that had been left high and dry with two boys and needed a woman. He wasn't Mormon but I told her I could do that, I knew about housekeeping and taking care of kids, we were seven at home. And every good Mormon knows about sewing and dishes. We used another friend's phone to call him. She introduced me as a good Mormon girl looking for a husband, and if he had another wife that wouldn't bother me.

    He sent me a ticket to fly down to meet him. I had to order a passport before I could go see him. I felt very young and alone when I got there, I had never been out of the country. His boys were nine and eleven, close to my brothers, his house was three bedrooms, not a problem to keep up with. I told him how Mormon girls are raised to manage money and I didn't care if he wasn't Mormon.

    I got married to him before going back home to get my things, that fit in two suitcases. I moved into his house. When I got there he told me he would give me time to adapt to him before I moved into his bedroom. In the meantime the boys would bunk together.

    After a year he was transferred to Texas. He told me that when we moved I was moving into the bedroom with him. The bed was cool, not warm, and I did my duty but didn't like it. The more he insisted on me doing my duty the less I liked it, but I became pregnant. All through the pregnancy he insisted on it. I gave in, I couldn't fight it, I didn't have any money, and was married. My friend from the safety of being on the farm told me that Mormon women always adapt, sometimes the husband is sixty and you adapt and have children. That's what I was there for. Remember if I stayed in my town I would be pregnant there too.

    My life went on, I took care of the house and had another daughter soon after the first one. My husband liked seeing me pregnant and thought it made me attractive, like in calling him to have sex with me. Routine but not wanted I submitted to his needs and kept my nose clean. I reminded myself, I wasn't table dancing in Red Deer. I looked at myself often, after two children I definitely looked like a woman born to have children. My body cried out for me, get me pregnant!, get me pregnant! And I got pregnant. The more my body grew to make the babies, the more my body looked like my mother and all of my sisters, and the other Mormon women in our community.

    I know that I was impatient and an upstart and that I abandoned my home and my family. I know that I married outside the faith. I know all these things will come back to haunt me. but I kept up my end of a being a Mormon girl. I made a household of children for this husband, and I didn't abandon him or my duties. I teach my girls the ways I was taught, but we got to a Baptist Church for religion. I will never not be Mormon. But I don't insist on it for the children.

  • I Married My Daddy

    The backstory is that I went to work in an office downtown at a professional company. Everyone was either a professional or had some sort of specialized training. I was hired as a payroll clerk. (I got to see everyone's pay). When the cold weather came, I wore my worn out overcoat and I was on the elevator when one of the men was with me. He noticed my overcoat and asked me why I was wearing that old thing, it detracted from me. I told him that I couldn't afford a new coat.

    He said some things and by the time we reached the ground floor he had told me he was taking me to Macy's and he would treat me to a new coat. I was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, but he insisted and I went with him. First we had to get something to eat so we went to a restaurant and he ordered wine and told me I could imbibe if I wanted. He reached over the table and whisked my hair from my face and told me I was regular pretty. A man can always do with a girl like me.

    In the conversation that followed he went on about how a man takes a woman in his arms and keeps her down and inserts himself in her until they become one and ends up with his sperm in her. How would I like that? Would I do that for him?

    He did take me to Macy's and he did buy me a coat. A real nice coat. But on the way back to the office we took a detour because he wanted to show me how much I made him want me. It was at my apartment, on my bed, that he showed me how a man takes a woman and keeps her down and inserts himself in her and leaves his sperm in her. Some girls he told me were just meant for certain men and that's how it was for me, I was meant for him.

    At work, he had called in to tell my supervisor that I was with him running an errand, my coworker in payroll asked me where I'd been, and I told her, about the coat and the lunch and how he had shown me I was meant for him. Her answer was so matter of fact, 'you are new here and you already have a Daddy?'. Go girl, how lucky.

    As the months went by, and I had to take care of my Daddy, I found out that other women had Daddy's too. Including a couple of the professional women. The whole game was about getting a Daddy, and the other women with Daddies knew who had a Daddy and who didn't. And the Daddies talked about 'their girls' and how they had taken them to Vegas or bought them a car or something. My Daddy spent money on me with clothes and furniture and fixing me up in a nice apartment, because when he was there he wanted a big TV and nice easy chair and a nice bed for when he took me and kept me down and inserted himself in me and left his sperm in me.

    One of those days, after he had deposited his sperm in me, he asked me why I never called him Daddy. 'You are my girl and I'm your Daddy'. He wanted me to say Daddy fuck me. I wouldn't. I never said 'fuck me'. He did what he did, but I wasn't asking for it.

    One night that he stayed all night with me, he grabbed me from behind in bed and held me by my tits and twisted my nipples with his thumb index finger. He had me in a bear hug and my insides were on fire and pushed my finger hard against my clit but I came anyway. He slowly got on me afterwards to deposit his sperm in me. That night I called him Daddy, it came out, by the time I said it the damage was done. He really hugged me tight that night while he inserted himself in me.

    It was a several weeks later that I used the word Daddy when some of the girls were talking about going to a male strip joint. 'I don't think my Daddy would like that'.

    All that sperm got to me and I turned up pregnant. My Daddy was upset about it, a man his age with a younger woman and now she was pregnant. But he took me to the judge and married me. Just in case, mind you. Being nice to me.

    I Did Everything To Please Him, But I Overplayed My Hand

    The late night at the office. It was a team effort. It got late and the team leader asked me to call out for pizza, and to get some beers at the gas station on the corner. I borrowed his truck and lost control, maybe my foot slipped off the break, and I ran into a pump. They ate pizza, with water, and my team leader and me had to deal with the little incident.

    His insurance was happy, they could of bought a gas station. His deductible was a thousand and he said I had to work it off. I had to price various sex acts at street prices and he would work it off overtime. For that time I was a whore.

    He had tried what I had and decided he would keep it. In other words, I was out of the dating pool. He had a Friday night habit with some of the guys on the line, a strip joint called Idle Times. He took me there to see what the girls did so I could entertain him. Now I was a stripper and a whore.

    After a long week with overtime every night he asked me to strip for him in his office. Once he had me in his lap, he had me bend over the desk where he did me. I stopped asking him where all this was going. Whatever, wherever, I gave him what we wanted. When he fitted me for a collar I wore it without complaining. Now in addition to being a whore and a stripper, I was his bitch as well.

    He didn't ask me to marry him, he says a slut bitch isn't his idea of his future kids' mother.

  • The Feminist Delusion

    I think of this as the Feminist delusion.

    I was a feminist, in all it's glory. I marched for the ERA, I burned my bra, I opted in as a lesbian. I became a lawyer, worked for the ACLU. I began a legal assistance center for women, abused, divorce, discrimination. A lifetime for an empty cause.

    Somewhere in my fifties I began to recognize my disappointment. Women weren't better, they were lonelier and poorer. The utopia was a mirage, it never materialized. The lesbian life, without children is a special disappointment. The legal practice was mostly pro bono, other's winning while I was losing. It takes a cold shower to come to the conclusion, I had become the sucker of the delusion.

    Are women really better with out men in their lives? No, never. Is domestic violence one sided? No, not likely. Women are deep in it, contributing to the problem. Are women so discriminated? Or is it a convenient excuse? My experience leans to the latter, I found very rare instances of raw discrimination.

    Now let's get to the heart of the matter. Women want to marry, be a wife, be a mother. Women choose, elect, jobs, careers, vocations suited to their natural inclinations. I found no woman fighting to be an ironworker building skyscr**ers. I lost my predisposition of assuming women wanted the 'male' world.

    In sum, I am not a feminist, I've changed my mind on abortion, I regret not having married, become a mother. The ERA distorts reality. Women are human, they have their place in society, with out women being women our lives, society, would be poorer. It's okay to worship the ground he walks on, to want to bear his children, to want to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I love women, I myself am a woman, I like that about me. I find that there is no better place than sharing the kitchen with the other women in my life.

    I Can't Stop With Bad Choices

    The motto of my family was always 'Avoid bad choices'. They never said how you were supposed to know.

    For one I was pregnant at 17.

    I chose cosmetology over college.

    To avoid a second pregnancy I hooked up with another girl.

    I bought a car I couldn't pay for.

    And I wasn't 21.

    I was given an opportunity, a choice. Marry Tim or go it alone.

    One chance, one choice. A lifetime of poverty, or a 'wife' with this man.

    I chose poverty. That's where I am.

    The Difference In Grooming

    I’ve always found it funny how much men and women vary in pubic hair grooming

    While most women are fully shaved or waxed men have a natural bush. The contrast is definitely a sexy sight I think but I find it funny how women are expected to groom

    The first time I shaved my pubic hair was by request from an exhusband. I was 26 with a natural bush. The next day while he was at work I shaved. It definitely felt weird being bald but I found it comfortable and kinda sexy.

    He never groomed so it was always y bald pussy in his hairy dick. A few years later we got divorced

    During my single years I had some fun and found every guy preferred a shaved women. But they all had hairy dicks.

    I grew out my bush again and eventually met my current husband. We were dating for around 4 months when I realized he wasn’t a fan of a hairy pussy but never said anything. So I just asked how’d he’d prefer me to groom. He said he liked shaved but it wasn’t a requirement. He’d like at least trimmed.

    So at 36 I went back to shaving and have been shaved since. After having kids I switched to waxing and I’ve been waxing since. But as you can guess my husband is hairy. He never grooms. But I think it looks good on him.

    But once we got in our 50s I shaved my husband. It was his first time in his life having his pubic hair groomed. And since then he’s always been shaved

    From Lesbian To Wife With Four Children

    During college I had a couple of lesbian type relationships. First with my freshman roommate which lasted for two and half years, the last year with girl from Tennessee. When I got home I had pretty much decided that I was a lesbian, but my mother said nonsense, you just need the right man to fuck you. I couldn't believe she came on to me like that, especially telling me I needed a man to fuck me.

    I was at a party for a high school friend that had announced her engagement and I was taken upstairs and royally fucked by one of her fiancé's friends. I walked downstairs with my self worth broken and my friend from high school told me 'it happens, suck it up'. I couldn't believe how casually she took it. I went home and told my mother. 'See, now you have a boyfriend'.

    Well, I got pregnant. He wasn't interested in anything permanent, but he also came down on me about not getting an abortion. No baby of his was going to get aborted, all of a sudden he got religion. When I went through morning sickness, which was terrible, we had a fight and he told me that it wasn't anything that any other woman didn't go through. I called him names, and he called me a 'bitch', which is just the worst thing you can call a lesbian.

    I had a dream one night, it was very real and it was me and four girls cooking in the kitchen. It was so real I woke up and felt I had been there. I told my mother and she told me nature was getting me ready to be a mother. And I needed to work on that boyfriend of mine to get married and have a house ready. We had a sit down discussion. Regardless of what he had to take financial responsibility. We were put on a schedule to date and get to know each other. I wasn't supposed to call him an asshole and he wasn't supposed to call me a bitch. He agreed eventually to get married, and we went looking for a house he could afford on his salary.

    After the closing on the house we got married. I was already eight months and when I walked down the isle. A month later I was nursing. That dream came back to me in different forms, but always with four girls. As a card carrying lesbian I had to face my future. I was married, I had a daughter, I wasn't working, and I kept having a dream of four girls. Something was talking to me. My mother said NATURE is preparing you. My friend said GOD is calling to you to have children.

    I have four children, three boys and one girl, the oldest. I live in a house in a subdivision near my parents and my husband got a job working for a friend of my father's. It's a factory that makes crates for dogs, he's the operations manager. It makes lots of money. My social life is with other women with families, I say I'm surprised that there are so many women with three or four or five kids. But once you are one of them, they come out of the woodwork. It's a mommy patrol every day, and someone is nursing. I get the pangs in me and dreams about having another one, but my husband says verboten. NO MORE CHILDREN. Fuck him, I'm getting pregnant.

  • When I Was Young And Innocent And A Man Had Real Sex With Me

    I joined a company as a junior internal auditor right after college. It was a department with about 16 people, including the Director. I was assigned to the team that supported the external auditors. The boring period, where you had to learn the accounting system.

    In any event I had been there a year and guy was selected who was even newer than me to go Nigeria. I was upset because I felt I deserved the assignment, if for no other reason seniority. My supervisor told me that the company did not send females to certain places, period. And that I should just drop it. I didn't, and I ended up with the Director.

    He was an old man for me, and he was even more direct, 'you don't have the balls for that type of assignment', case closed. In those days that type of discrimination was everywhere, no balls no assignment, of yeah bring me a cup of coffee. My female staff members told me to cool it, there was more than plenty for me to do right in the home office. Anyway, who wanted to go to Nigeria? It wasn't where, it was international and that's what I wanted.

    Several months later my supervisor came to me and said there was an international trip that was being planned, but it was a bit our of the ordinary. It was in Argentina. Seems that there was an inside robbery, by the partner, and they needed to document it. Was I interested? I jumped on it, international, I was ready. I thought about later, I didn't have balls but they were sending me anyway.

    I was hooked up with an operations manager who was being sent to confront the partner. He was a man with many years with the company. He told me to watch my mouth and my step, and to do what I was told. In these situations I was not to voice opinions, unless it was to him and only in private. My job was to act out the role, because there wasn't anything to prove with paperwork, it was all an outside job with the help of a vendor. That is, the paperwork was perfect, but I had to play the role of being a nosy auditor.

    I flew down there from NY and then we caught a flight out to the provinces. We arrived dead tired and the operations guy inspected my room before he let me stay there. Odd? But oh well, it was international. He also kept a key for my room, I noticed but didn't say anything. We rested and after we had showered and changed we met downstairs for dinner. We first went to the bar and had a drink, and then to restaurant and he introduced me to Argentinean steak. We talked about me, all about me, what did I do for fun and what had I studied. It got very personal, especially when he started poking around my love life. I was very guarded about that but I felt the need to get it out and stop the inquisition. I like a girl, actually. Is what I told him.

    Well I like girls too, he answered. Like you, young and firm and with nice a nice ass and a pretty face. How about you, ever do an older man with experience? I was quiet, I didn't know how to answer. Tell me about this girl, he asked me. I didn't really answer, I was still thinking about what he had told me. Then like a lightning bolt, had I had sex with a man before. You know, real sex? And before I could answer he said he would be happy to be the one to pop me.

    Never in my life had I been in a conversation like that, a man so blatantly telling me he wanted sex with me. No amount of telling him that I liked a girl got me anywhere. He said it, outright, after dinner he was taking me upstairs and I could then brag that I had had real sex, not playsex with a girl. He wasn't bragging or bluffing, after dinner he took me upstairs to my room and using the key he kept, he took me in and he did what he had told me. I got up, still half clothed to wash myself in the bathroom and he called out to bring a towel and clean his dick for him.

    Well that is how I had real sex, how a man got into my pants, how I became his office girlfriend, and how I got promotions. Without a man upstairs looking after you, you could wallow in audit or accounting for years. My side of it was to make sure he didn't want another girl. It was hard work because he was always looking. Every now and then I went off the reservation and met a girl I had somehow hooked up with. I needed to get myself back to dead center. But I always went back to him. Always.

    He still tells the story of how he taught me everything, at his knee in the parlor. A puppy dog story. And I hugged his leg while he taught me.