When I Was Young And Innocent And A Man Had Real Sex With Me
I joined a company as a junior internal auditor right after college. It was a department with about 16 people, including the Director. I was assigned to the team that supported the external auditors. The boring period, where you had to learn the accounting system.
In any event I had been there a year and guy was selected who was even newer than me to go Nigeria. I was upset because I felt I deserved the assignment, if for no other reason seniority. My supervisor told me that the company did not send females to certain places, period. And that I should just drop it. I didn't, and I ended up with the Director.
He was an old man for me, and he was even more direct, 'you don't have the balls for that type of assignment', case closed. In those days that type of discrimination was everywhere, no balls no assignment, of yeah bring me a cup of coffee. My female staff members told me to cool it, there was more than plenty for me to do right in the home office. Anyway, who wanted to go to Nigeria? It wasn't where, it was international and that's what I wanted.
Several months later my supervisor came to me and said there was an international trip that was being planned, but it was a bit our of the ordinary. It was in Argentina. Seems that there was an inside robbery, by the partner, and they needed to document it. Was I interested? I jumped on it, international, I was ready. I thought about later, I didn't have balls but they were sending me anyway.
I was hooked up with an operations manager who was being sent to confront the partner. He was a man with many years with the company. He told me to watch my mouth and my step, and to do what I was told. In these situations I was not to voice opinions, unless it was to him and only in private. My job was to act out the role, because there wasn't anything to prove with paperwork, it was all an outside job with the help of a vendor. That is, the paperwork was perfect, but I had to play the role of being a nosy auditor.
I flew down there from NY and then we caught a flight out to the provinces. We arrived dead tired and the operations guy inspected my room before he let me stay there. Odd? But oh well, it was international. He also kept a key for my room, I noticed but didn't say anything. We rested and after we had showered and changed we met downstairs for dinner. We first went to the bar and had a drink, and then to restaurant and he introduced me to Argentinean steak. We talked about me, all about me, what did I do for fun and what had I studied. It got very personal, especially when he started poking around my love life. I was very guarded about that but I felt the need to get it out and stop the inquisition. I like a girl, actually. Is what I told him.
Well I like girls too, he answered. Like you, young and firm and with nice a nice ass and a pretty face. How about you, ever do an older man with experience? I was quiet, I didn't know how to answer. Tell me about this girl, he asked me. I didn't really answer, I was still thinking about what he had told me. Then like a lightning bolt, had I had sex with a man before. You know, real sex? And before I could answer he said he would be happy to be the one to pop me.
Never in my life had I been in a conversation like that, a man so blatantly telling me he wanted sex with me. No amount of telling him that I liked a girl got me anywhere. He said it, outright, after dinner he was taking me upstairs and I could then brag that I had had real sex, not playsex with a girl. He wasn't bragging or bluffing, after dinner he took me upstairs to my room and using the key he kept, he took me in and he did what he had told me. I got up, still half clothed to wash myself in the bathroom and he called out to bring a towel and clean his dick for him.
Well that is how I had real sex, how a man got into my pants, how I became his office girlfriend, and how I got promotions. Without a man upstairs looking after you, you could wallow in audit or accounting for years. My side of it was to make sure he didn't want another girl. It was hard work because he was always looking. Every now and then I went off the reservation and met a girl I had somehow hooked up with. I needed to get myself back to dead center. But I always went back to him. Always.
He still tells the story of how he taught me everything, at his knee in the parlor. A puppy dog story. And I hugged his leg while he taught me.