Ah, the things we do for money. They say that "money is the root of all evil." Maybe that's so. What kinds dastardly deeds have you engaged in for a buck or two? Confess your dollar driven sins with us here and now.

Paper Route

When I was in late elementary school, me and a couple of buddies hung out with this kid who was 14. He told us all he knew about sex, which wasn’t a lot. But he did tell us about blow jobs. My friends and I would sneak off in the woods, or somebody’s garage and experiment. But summer ended, school started, and that was pretty much that. Fast forward a few years. He’s now 18 and and I’m 15. Stop by his parents house to collect for my paper route. He holds up the envelope with my money and says ok, but you gotta give me a blow job first. I stammered, and he said I’ll give you one if you give me one first. I hesitated, and he said “and I’ll give you five bucks”. That was good bit of money in the early 70’s. So we go back to his parent’s garage, and I quickly realized there was a huge difference between little boy wieners and grown man cock. I loved the feel of it in my mouth, the taste of it, the taste of the cum in my mouth, the feel of the warm creaminess in my throat as I swallowed it (and yes 50 years later I still swallow). He reneged on the blow job, but he jacked me off and I got $5. And every other Friday for a couple of months he got a blow job and I got $5. The last few weeks I didn’t charge him. And the week he left for college I gave him and buddy blow jobs for free. Didn’t see him again for about 15 years when I ran into him in a bar in Ann Arbor. He smiled and asked if I still gave blow jobs. I laughed and nodded. We went back to my hotel room. Turns out gave as good as he got, and a lot more than just bj’s. It was a very good weekend

  • Resorted To Call Girl Income After Losing Access To Money

    This is a riches to rags story, an 'heir' to a fortune they told me. Born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Cared for by nannies, exclusive private schools, unlimited allowance.

    Then, the rug was pulled out from under me. Daddy was a fraud, an embezzler. Caught by professional investigators. A scam that lasted years. Millions. Jailed for thirty years, he will not survive prison.

    All assets in our possession 'recovered', our side of the coin is taken from us. I was so smart I studied art appreciation, and voice. Never worked a day in my life. I resorted to call girl income. A 'perfect' high class girlfriend. I went to Dubai, lived on a yacht in the harbor. Entertaining men, and women, of means, some earned, some borrowed, some unexplained income.

    I have some savings, live in Orlando, work real estate sales. Not so pretty, can't compete with twenty, age gets to you. Turned 46, my boyfriend is 70. It's about the money. He gets pretty?, I get a standard of living. Still exchanging intimate attention for money.

    When A Man Chases You, You Slow Down And Let Him Catch You

    After a hard fall in status and financial condition I was living in a rented room working at an art supply store. A customer, buying for his daughter in a summer art program offered to let me tutor her. She was eleven, I was 28, a failed Fine Arts graduate artist. I got paid more per hour than in the store. As he got to know me he offered to help me get on my feet, by offering me a reception job where he worked. 20 an hour plus full benefits.

    Do the math, that's 40k a year, compared with 17k at the store. I also got a loaner, his mother's older Buick, low miles in good condition. He wanted me to take his daughter to the local museums, to go with her to a cooking class, to teach her makeup. And, to help her earn her fairy wings when she started menstruation.

    Three years later, I was working in the customer service department at 65k a year, living with him and his daughter. He assigned me to take her through the teen years, and sleep with him at night. I had blended in, and didn't question my luck, I truly adopted his daughter and was more than happy to sleep with him. Sex was part of the deal, but not a buggy. I found it was easy.

    Five years after being hired to be her tutor he announced we might as well get married. It was so easy, to wear a ring and become a Mrs. Once married I asked if I could stay home, my stepdaughter was turning sixteen, needed careful watching, not to mention non stop after school activities.

    I'm not complaining, far from it. He most probably always planned in putting me in his bed at night. But these things happen, a man with a woman in the house will eventually pursue her. A woman who is scared, needy and with no options gladly gives her body to him, praying he'll keep her. Marriage is the ultimate bonus.

  • Wanting More

    Please don’t judge me,
    This happened a few years ago, we my husband and I put up an add for some fun with a single male. The add said tall blonde wanting hung male for sex while husband watches, we didn’t get many responses I don’t know whether it was the price or men don’t want to fuck in front of someone else.
    About a week later I received a message from this guy who wanted to have sex with me, I said you do know my husband will be there? He said yes that doesn’t bother him. We arranged to meet the next night he was staying in a motel that made it easy for us all, we got in the lift and on the way to the room he started kissing me I went wet straight away, this has never happened before now I’m hungry for what is coming, once inside he pays my husband. By now I’m pantieless and he walks straight to me running his fingers around my cleanly shaven pussy, he kisses me again then lays me on the bed he starts taking off his clothes and I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful big dick that was just hanging there. I hear my husband say oh my god he’s hung.
    He went straight down and licked me I didn’t need licking I was already wet, he brought his dick to my face and I just took hold and him and started sucking it didn’t take long I had this huge hard dick in my mouth.
    He pulled it out of my mouth laid me down licked me again then come straight up to me kissing me again as I felt his huge dick pressing against my opening I just opened my legs wider the he started penetrating me like I’d never been before, after a little while I started to panic I didn’t remember him putting on a condom?
    It was too late with him fully inserted in me, I looked at my husband he had his pants down pulling his 5 inch dick as he’s watching me get the biggest dick I’ve ever seen.
    He fucked me for about 40 minutes before he said get ready I’m going to fill you, by now I was his and if that’s what he wants to do then he can cum in me.
    He finished me I had 3 beautiful orgasms, my husband went to get cleaned up and while he was in the bathroom I put my phone number in his phone and said call me tomorrow if you want to catch up again.
    I went and cleaned then we left, my husband said on the way home he doesn’t think he would be able to fill me after that big dick was in me? I said don’t worry you’re not going anywhere near it for awhile.
    He did text me next day saying he was only there for one more day if I wanted to meet up again. I told him I couldn’t get away from my husband that night but he goes to work early tomorrow morning.
    We arranged to meet when I arrived he was already naked and hard once again for some reason I didn’t even think about a condom, he made love to me this time and when he finished he filled me again I was hoping to maybe get pregnant but it’s didn’t happen.
    He left that day and I haven’t seen him since, I didn’t have sex with my husband for about four months until I’d let go of the fact I wasn’t going to see him again, I’m still with my husband having very vanilla sex but I’m still hoping for that call to say he’s back in town.

    Young And Innocent That I Was I Married A Man Twice My Age

    This is about running away. I ran away from home when I was fourteen. I was found and returned. Then when I was seventeen I ran away again. This time my parents didn't look for me, good riddance sort of thing.

    I found out that no matter what they say, men look for you to have sex. The younger the better, I can attest to when I was fourteen. We called them creeps and all, but they wanted it bad and some of the girls gave in. For the money, the pressure, just because. I managed to stay away from men because I chose to go with a woman instead. I chose a woman because I did not want to get pregnant.

    When I ran away at seventeen I went straight to lesbian la la land and became a girl of the night for older lesbian women. For the money. It never bothered me to be kissed, fondled, ate out, or anything else with a woman. If I had to pick, older was better, they enjoyed the younger me more. Maybe it is that I am far more attracted to older mature women, and it turned out a man too.

    At 24 I was burned out. I was living with an older woman, being the toy gal, doing all the cleaning and cooking, she was wealthy from birth and didn't touch dirty panties, ever. That's what maids are for. I wasn't the maid. I was the toy gal. She told me that I needed to get a life. She had a friend who wanted a young wife to treat him well. Would I be interested? There would be sex, but he probably couldn't do it all that often. She used to have sex with him. Also wealthy, self made man. He liked young women, and he had voiced to her that he wanted me to be his toy gal in the house. For money. He would pay me.

    I got married to him at a garden party. 24 and he was 49. He showed me pretty quick that he could get it up and he meant to use it as long as he could. So I was lied to. He kept me, that meaning that I didn't have to work, just look pretty and suck him off. The more I sucked him off the more I liked it, and frankly I liked it when he got on me to screw. I asked him one night while he was taking off his socks. What was his thinking on an heir? I was still young, 26 then, I could probably make him one or two or three. Make myself useful.

    He spent a long time deciding before saying he would go for it, but I had to swear I would never leave him, not even when he was 85 and I would always suck his dick. Swearing was easy, and he was man enough to get me pregnant, not once but twice over three years. That's why I have two boys, young men now. I still give him sex, he tries but it isn't always successful, but he likes to have his dick sucked so that's what I do.

    At my age, believe me there are flotillas of young girls looking for a mama to take care of them. I love a young woman, so firm and nice and clean (I make sure). I have really gotten into keeping a toy gal. One that needs mama's love. I like a girl who wants to curl up and be loved. So, I say that because my husband is mostly floppy bear and I need to feel loved.

  • I Fucked My Way To The Top, And I Do Not Regret It At All.

    Society says we should shun the girl who fucked her way to the top. That's bullshit. I've fucked almost every boss I had for the last decade, and it got me everything I wanted.

    Guys hang out with the boss on the golf course. They make small talk about a game that they don't understand or even like. They make sure that the boss wins the game to boost his ego. They have to pretend that he's funny to stay on his good side. Rinse and repeat every weekend for months, or even years, and MAYBE they'll get one half step up the ladder.

    I let that same boss fuck me a few times over a weekend, and I get promoted first thing on Monday morning.

    I once got a 7K raise after one week of letting that boss use me like a toy. Bonus points for me, cos that guy was an absolutely stunning and charming silver-fox. He got to fuck a girl half his age who agreed to pleasure him any way he wanted. I got to fuck a hot older man, with a huge raise. We both won.

    I let one boss explore her "curiosities", and got a company car for my trouble.

    My last boss did cocaine off my tits, then named me his successor.

    I'm 29. I'm on $140k a year, with no debt. I'm the youngest person in the top tier at my company by decades, and I got to have A LOT of hot sex with hot people.

    You have fun on that golf course tho...

    GILF Confessing 5

    This may be my last confession. My first being 74907 and 76300

    Not because I don't have hundreds more, but, because of the comment received on my confession. 76320

    I didn't know people were so closed minded in this day and age.

    I went to great lengths to hide this side of things.But, as I tried to explain it was others that brought things to his attention.

    Now that comments been made I might as well add a few more details as far as all that goes.Seeing as some seem to have lived quite timid sheltered lives.Fair enough I wasn't cut out for motherhood but, at least I'm honest about it.

    This was more than 20 years ago now,After my son had gone travelling and I worked in the massage parlour.He came back a few years later,but he didn't have a place to stay because I shacked up with a guy just around the corner from the parlour (Yes,he knew!).So my son then went to stay at his dad's in Tottenham.

    One day he came around to tell me something.

    As he talked I didn't know where it was leading, but, this is exactly what he told me.

    He said his half sister Kelly, was now a single mum,had a mixed race child and, that she and her mum,had told him, she (Kelly) had been on the game (Prostitute) and worked above a pub called the Mitre (in Tottenham).

    He then went on to tell me, they had both told him, because she (Kelly) was now interested in a white guy who didn't know.So they were both asking him, what his opinion was as a man, and should she tell him.

    Now as my son spoke, I was wondering had my ex told them (about me)and this was some sort of joke on my son.As none of us had lived under the same roof and lived a good 3 or 4 miles away from each other.I mean what are the odds of that!?

    He went on to say she was into dr*gs and that.

    Also that her mum asked him, if he knew if I had had sex with his dad (while married to her)

    My son left there once he decided to travel again and then I lost touch with all of them until I heard Kelly's kid grew up to stab someone.

    So when I have people judging me negatively about the fun I've had in life, there's some others out there only done it for the money and dr*gs.

    Paid Off

    I was paid upfront 800 cash to fuck some black guy and his friend in a barely lit up alley that leads to a park. They told me they knew i was trans and really wanted to try boy pussy. I absolutely wouldve fucked them without the 800 but i took it anyways.

    When we got into the alley we all started kissing eachother, feeling eachother up until they pulled down their sweat pants and i got on my knees and started sucking. They kept kissin while i took turns sucking their cocks.

    I stood up after a bit and they started kissing me some more while pulling down my pants.. one was kissing me while the other was behind me kissing my neck while their hard cocks were touching my ass and pussy lips. I positioned their cocks to slide in between my legs, they started slowly working my clit before i tilted my hips slightly up and felt one of their cocks slip into my pussy. Then i felt my butt plug being removed and replaced w the tip of a cock from the man behind me. I have a fuck machine at home and regularly fuck my holes so taking his cock was easy but hurt a small bit as he was bigger then my dildos. The both held me up by my legs and fucked me right there. In the middle of the alley.

    After a good 10 mins of pure pounding my pussy they came into my holes, kissed me a few times more and said " next time we see you. We will bring more friends"

    I think im gonna go back every weekend in February until i find them again and get gangbanged and used like a cum dump.

    Since So Many Have Asked Me

    Another confession, I would say asked for by popular demand. My previous being 74907.

    I have been asked now, more times than I can count so I think I should write this out so I can have the answer made clear.

    Does my son know I was a prostitute ?

    When I've been asked that, I learned to say, Well, he knows his mum's not a nun.

    That usually makes a guy laugh and that way I don't have to say a word more.

    But, I will say, once my boy was in puberty and all that sort of thing him being aware of, he did once see a guy pay me and he asked me why. I just said he's just helping me out.Then another time he asked me why I had so many boyfriends (and James my toyboy confirmed this to me) because he said James (his mate) said I had a lot of boyfriends.
    So I said to him, That's only because James' parents are married and I am still looking for a father figure for you!.
    That's honestly all I could think to say.
    All these things cropping up I didn't expect and seemed all because others had told him something or other.

    And just when I thought that was the end of it, one time Dave B. my boyfriend sent me down across the road the car park to see his mates, we got caught by a group of about 4 local lads who been doing a bit of peeping at us over the wall.Next thing I knew (rumour was it was Paul R.) graffiti had gone up all around the estate, with my name and calling me a prostitute.

    That same week when my son was just coming home from school, Janice J. our next door neighbour was having a go at me and she said, within earshot of my son, You got them all queuing up outside here.And she went in slamming her door!.

    He didn't say anything, so I didn't say anything.I didn't know what to say!.

    Another time I was dong some babysitting for a black guy I met at the pub.But, a few times he was asking for something else, so I asked my son,about 14 at the time, if he'd look after his younger son, while I just popped out for an hour.(Back to the black guys place, before his wife came home from work!)

    Another time I took my son out shopping one day, when in one shop I bumped into a punter who own the shop!.To say my heart skipped a beat is saying something!, I didn't know how he would react!.But, he gave me a smile!.

    Anyway, a few times in there, he'd ask me for a wank out the back,so I'd ask my son if he was alright looking at the toys and games and things and then I'd say, I'm just going to have a cuppa out the back.

    This didn't last long though as word seem to reach his wife and one of the next times in there, she was there asking me all sorts and when I could only think to say he made passes at me,she said out loud, My husband don't take what ain't been put on a plate for him!.My son did hear that and so did half the shop.

    We left.

    So in answer to all that asked me, I've never said as much to my son, he's not ever asked me. But, I think he's aware enough to have put 2 and 2 together.
    He does know I have dated 2 of his friends as well.He's not ever said anything.

    So there.

  • Early Experiences

    I've confessed a bit before. 74907.

    Here's some of my first experiences, so you can see what shaped my openmindedness!.

    Being a horny girl that went to an all girls Catholic school, we made up for not having boys about, by teasing each other with what we had done.

    being so close to age, I was sure most of them had only snogged lads they met.Whereas for me, I'd be the real one having older lads in their cars take me up to top of a hill,local lovers lane (Called Carrs Lane,believe it or not). And it's there I see guys just walking passed trying to have a good look at what I was getting up to.

    Heavy petting, bra off and wanking whoever I was with. But, when I see all these guys trying to have a look, I just got a thrill that never went away.

    Then any bloke with a car that tried his luck with me, I'd ask them drive me up to Carrs Lane.So it became a regular thing.Car windows open so I could be groped by whoever fancied it.Blokes I was with were even shocked, but, I said, this is how it goes so if you don't like it!.

    Would be times I'd wank guys off out the window as guy I was with was finger fucking me.

    When I told 2 of my friends what I did, they claimed to want to see for themselves.So that night all 3 of us got in 1 blokes car and I thought I'd be putting their noses out of joint, but, to my surprise once I was in action, they both got topless in the car and because they had bigger boobs than me, (something they had over me since school)all the guys weren't looking at me anymore, just them with their tits out in the back seat.

    Not to be outdone, I asked if any of them wanted a blowjob.

    Now, this was something already been asked and I said no.More due to nerves than anything else. Even with all their cocks out I'd only let the grope me and I'd wank them off.

    Now I'd offered what they wanted, I'll never forget first one up to the window, he goes, Mine's got a bone in it, and I just grabbed it and sucked for all I was worth. Not knowing how I was doing as it was my first.My girlfriends in the back letting out shrieks like I should never be doing that much!!!

    I just sucked and sucked and sucked.

    When the bloke started moving his hips,I just thought Oh I should be going faster so I sped up my sucking and tongue.

    While this is going on,guy who's car it was was finger fucking me and then although I was sucking so hard,the guy grabbed my head and started moving his cock more.In my head I was thinking oh no am I not doing it properly?, when all of a sudden, felt this heat, it was his spunk jetting down the back of my throat.

    Pump after pump of his seed.

    My first ever blow job.
    It was over!.
    All my questions answered.
    All my fantasies about sucking a cock, no longer fantasy.
    I was now a cock sucker!.
    I knew what it tasted like.
    I'd sucked a guys cock, to completion and it was in public and people watched me.
    I just remember I was grinning so much.

    My friends in the back calling me a dirty cow and calling me a slut.I knew then I'd left them behind with their talk of doing this and doing that.

    So I said out loud, I fucking loved that!

    There were 3 other blokes outside of the car and I asked if they wanted a blowjob as well, but, they backed away.I don't know if because they cum already when I didn't see, or cos I was so young!!!

    But,I remember them walking away and I'm calling out I'll suck it if you want me to.

    So I'd gone from teaser, to doer, to bragger, to being declined to shouting out I'd suck blokes cocks, in space of about 10 minutes!

    Word got about of course and I spent a couple of summers repeating what I'd done.And it was there guys offered me money afterward.Sometimes even as soon as I opened the car window.

    I'm not joking, being paid only made me feel the dirtiest ever. I loved it.