Were you outed and didn't want to be? Need to talk about your very first time or encounter? Have a question about technique or about safe sex? Whatever it is, lay it all out here. This category is specifically for lesbian stories.

You Can Have It All, If You Use Your Head, My Aunt Taught Me

As a young teen girl my aunt pulled me aside one day when I was visiting. She told me she noticed something in me, I was a lot like her. I paid attention to other girls and didn't like boys all that much. She told me how she had started kissing and that was wonderful, but that I also had a head on my shoulders, and the only way out was marrying a boy with money. You don't want to be poor, she told me, you want to have money.

She pushed me into getting married to this son of a friend of hers who was finishing his residency and becoming the wife of a doctor. She emphasized that doctors make money, they work long hours and a lot of doctors have a sweet nurse to get their rocks off. Just be a good wife, have a couple of kids, and don't throw a tantrum if a little nurse flirts with him. You can have it all she told me, find a girl you want to kiss with. And she said, find a real pretty girl to kiss with.

From time to time I found a girl to kiss with, but being married, being pregnant, a kid on the tit and another on the hip didn't make for a good role model. The more I looked for a girl the harder it was to find her. My husband had a lot of student debt so the first years were all about paying off the debt and living modestly, while the other doctor's wives drove BMWs I was stuck with a Honda Pilot. But he reminded me, it is everything you need to haul the kids around in.

My luck, in the girl business, was meeting another doctor wife who flirted. We flirted and went around and around until one day when the kids were on playdate, she asked me if I ever kissed a girl. She was older, and had three kids, and wasn't that hot girl I was looking for, but she was good looking, but not pretty, and she had milky white titties. She showed me, with pink nipples, and asked me if wanted to suckle. She first kissed me, hard, and I slipped down into the couch and suckled on her titty. It was on another 'date' with her, when I let her eat me. And still on another date before I ate her.

32 and married for ten years and with two kids in grade school I found my first girl lover. Older and more experienced, she was 36, and we went through all the emotions of falling in love, and falling for sex, and being horny. We stayed lovers for a long time, and one day I turned forty and my aunt was ill and I told her. I am married to a doctor who makes a lot of money, my kids are getting ready for college, and I have a full time lover. Not that she didn't already know, I mean I kept up with her, but she smiled and said to always be good to my husband, don't cut off the money, and enjoy being with a woman lover. You can have it all. And I do have it all.

She passed and this is my hooray for her, a lesbian, a wife, a mother, she died well taken care of, and she was my mentor.

  • I Want Another Vacation Like The One Last Summer

    I was 21, barely. My parents, and family, younger siblings, went to an all inclusive in the Caribbean for a week after I finished college. I saw these women, with these so tiny thong bikinis, whole butt showing, half a tit showing, and a grip of pussy cover, nothing left to the imagination. In my life I had never seen anything like that, in real life, right there beside me.

    Being really white, totally untanned and anytime in the sun I get red as a lobster, rather hippie with no butt to talk about, and tits? Well we are all flat chested. But it didn't stop me from trying, I bought a teeny weeny itti bitti thong bikini in the g*ft shop. I was 21, I wore, it all pasty white and freckled arms and chest, down to the hot tub. I should have paid more attention to my bikini shave, it was obvious that it was recent and I got red bumps where I had shaved.

    I was sitting low in the hot tub, below tit line, and this man came up and sat on the edge. He asked me a couple of questions, name, rank and serial number. He asked if I was up to a party, he was having a few girls over to his cabana. I went, the girls were topless, sure they had fake tits but they were so voluptuous. One girl, already topless, stripped out of her thong, and stood in front me legs apart, not a single pube anywhere. I just wanted to lock on and not let go, but all I got to do was a little kiss on her lips, 'pretty pussy girl'.

    The men were all older, grabbing tail, sucking tits, and some fucking. One man was fucking the girl whose pussy I had just kissed. I wanted pussy, that's what I was there for, not some old geezer with a floppy dick. I saw this one girl, from Venezuela, big ass, bit tits, small waist. Obviously sculpted. I went over to talk to her, with my small tits and pale white skin, and a wraparound to cover up my sore quicky shave. She wasn't interested, she was all looks, no character. But whoever had worked on her made her camera ready. Maybe I would kiss her, maybe not? But she was a looker.

    I did get a pussy. She was younger, I guess, and she offered herself up on a platter. The way it works is that you sit in front of her and she sits on the table and lays open for you. Then you just go in, head first, and suck her until she trembles. Lots of girls at this party ate pussy, lots of girls at this party got fucked coming and going. Most of the men I'm sure were hyped up with artificial erections. Not one of them came for me. Didn't even try. One of the advantages of being so white and skinny.

    I met Clovet there, she said she was from Beirut. She said that in her country, girls aren't allowed out with a head cover. But there, in the sun, around the hot tub in the cabana, she was all naked and she liked getting sweet kisses on her tits and bottom. She said she was tired of those old men and she wanted to just relax with me. She was my girlfriend for the party.

    There is a price to pay. For one trying to make up a story as to why I was not around with my family. Another was being on display, I had to go topless. I did get a sunburn, which was a bummer, but I made a girlfriend and we spent time together. I know it's all 'fake', those tits, that ass, the lips. But for a week, who cares? I found a girlfriend who liked me and wanted me to eat pussy. She used this 'cream' on my sunburned nipples, and on my sore bikini line. It seems that she was the girlfriend of an English girl, before she was transferred for the summer to Caribbean. Yes, she is a prostitute, a girl for hire, a whore, and she wasn't really from Beirut, she is from Iraq. But for that week she was my girlfriend, and not for hire.

    Physics Is How I See Life, I'm An Electron Captured In His Orbit

    This is a story of being caught up in the gravitational pull of a man and becoming an electron that spins around his center. I wasn't always his electron, at one time I was a free particle.

    I'll go back in time. I was born the second daughter of a doctor, and we lived next door to another doctor, a colleague. They had a daughter who was my age. I won't say that our mother's were all that close, there was a whole lot of friction between them (us). From pre K through elementary, junior high and high school we were inseparable. My mother knew, but her mother preferred to ignore what was in front of her, By the time we were ready for college we were very actively sexual, had been for a very long time, since were seven.

    We were sent to the same college, and put into a girl's dormitory as roommates. We found that there were other girls like us, who had very sweet feelings foreach other. We lost our bearings and became actively social with these women and joined the 'fight'. We demonstrated, and became big women libbers. We went to an ERA convention. Because of the times all this was kept from our parents. What happened is that we lost the ability to keep our hands to ourselves. Touching, hugging and kissing were all normal activities. We held hands a lot, everywhere we went. It was a brave new world.

    In our senior year in college my sweetheart from birth fell into the hands of an aggressive male and she was impregnated. Not by her choice. But pregnant never the less. In those days, women's lib aside, pregnant you got married. And she did. No fanfare, no notice, she eloped and I had to stand with her and 'give' her away to him. Talk about the moment your stomach goes into rebellion, I ended up vomiting in the court house ladies room.

    Now this is where physics takes over. I was now a free electron. Either I became an electron in his orbit, for life. Or I would fly off and never be heard of again. I never had a choice, women's lib and all. She was married to him and pregnant, well I became the satellite wife. And he imposed his sexual dominance over me and has never relinquished his sexual rights.

    We spent our twenties having kids, two a piece. We spent our thirties as stay at home mothers. We spent our forties developing careers. We spent our fifties living the women's lib promise. Travel, alone time, lesbians in full bloom. He, the center around which we orbit, decided to let the marbles rattle around. By then 'who cares' was the order of the day. Again, after keeping everything close to the chest for so long, hugs, and kisses and holding hands in public were okay. We were open lesbians. OH, now I get it! time.

    My mother 'accepted' it. Her mother never has. Our fathers are long past. 2020 triggered us to retire, just quit pretending, and take our place beside him at the hearth. We travel, mostly ourselves, or with other women who travel together. If he comes, we are not free, we are drawn to him and our trip is attending to him. Our social circle is primarily women like ourselves, not all of which pass the test with him. He has an aversion to women who are intent on imposing their authority, and always lose out to him, two elements at war. So, our friends group, are satellite electrons that gravitate to him, and prefer to stay in his orbit.

    When he pulls me to him, when he kisses me at the table. When he calls out to me. I respond. A lifetime habit that remains unbroken. An electron, captured in his orbit. Two electrons around his center, there is balance in the world.

  • Remembering My First Lesbian Experiences

    I was at a college party, and it was winding down. People were either passed out drunk, or had paired off to have fun elsewhere. But there was one really hot guy left, Matt. I'd had a thing for him for about a month, but never spoke to him.

    Problem was, my friend Sarah was also at this party, and she also wanted him. She suggested that we share him. I thought she'd get him cos she was the school slut. She thought I'd get him cos I was better gf material. Sarah said he'd probably only date one of us afterwards, but getting fucked by him once was better than never. I felt compelled to agree.

    She suggested that we invite ourselves back to his place, then we would strip and have some fun together for his viewing pleasure, then we could take turns being fucked. I wasn't so sure. I'd never done anything with a girl before I told her, I'm straight. Don't worry she replied, so am I, but we've both had a few drinks, have an open mind!

    I still wasn't sure if I could do it, but she quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. I felt compelled to kiss her back, and I started to enjoy it. She slowly slipped her hand down my pants, and started playing with my clit. It felt good. She guided my hand towards hers. We kept kissing, playing with each other with passion.

    We both came. My first time with another girl felt good. Unfortunately, Matt had left the party already. Sarah invited me back to her place for a few more drinks, and some fun. I agreed.

    We remained friends with benefits for a months afterwards. I still consider myself straight, as I don't have any sexual feelings towards other girls. But, in the right circumstances, I think I can be adaptable.

    When A Man Gets To You And You Let Him Fuck You

    In my early thirties (I'm 31) I was assigned to a case, working with an older (female) experienced partner. The client was a big shot, loaded with money. He was defending himself against a sexual harassment accusation. After meeting with him I was sure that he was capable of doing what he was accused of. My boss, and lead on the defense, told me to never make assumptions. Only the facts, and then a strategy to defend him.

    As the case progressed, it was a woman working for him, she claimed he offered her money and gave her g*fts, and paid the rent for a while. When she stopped giving him sex, he fired her. What if he did, is that harassment? She is just suing because she got her feelings hurt.

    One of those days when we went over the facts my boss and lead asked me if I wanted him to fuck me. I answered loudly, shit no. But she pressed me and said she thought I would go down so fast my head would spin and then he would have his dick in me. See, you are just being female. And, to my surprise, if I was straight I would want him to fuck me.

    I got fucked. Straight or not he fucked me. I went down and he got on and fucked me. And I wasn't able to stop it, even if I wanted to. My boss and lead told me, see when it comes to women you can't trust them. A man like that can fuck anyone. And now he is fucking you, so lean back and enjoy it. When it comes to an end, and it will, are you going to sue him? Or are you going to lay back and remember the pleasure. And maybe after he finishes fucking with you, you will let me fuck you.

    We won the case, got the woman to retract her accusations. She was just pissed off that he moved on from her and now he had another woman he was fucking. I hope that when the day comes that he stops fucking me I can walk away. And walk into my boss and lead's arms and let her fuck me. I've always wanted a woman on top of me. Maybe, just maybe, I will have the best of both worlds. Maybe, just maybe, I'll let her start fucking me now. Of the two, man or woman, I want a woman right now, more than anything. To lean back and enjoy it. I want her to fuck me.

  • For A While I Put My Lesbian Feelings In A Box And Surrendered To Him

    I am now 36 in a stable lesbian relationship. However when I was 22 I was inexperienced, and guilt ridden because I had participated in a lesbian sexual encounter. My first, and only up to that point. I was raised in a very socially conservative household, of five girls and one boy.

    I was at my first real job following college, where I had that encounter with a classmate. My boss, a fatherly type, kept wanting me to open up to him. Tell him what was bothering me. He could tell, but I didn't know how. One day he insisted I go to lunch with him, and he was very direct. Something is bothering you, a weight you can't carry, tell me and let me help you. So I told him about my lesbian encounter.

    He was very kind and he didn't yell at me or anything close to that. It was something like these things happen when we are growing up, somethings you just have to put it in a box and move on. You do not need to go back and open the box! After lunch when we were walking to the car he put his arm around me and I fell into his arms crying. He held me there, in the parking lot for as long as I was crying. His arms around me, I felt so safe right then, when he kissed my eyelids and my forehead, I just hung onto him harder.

    Now I had two things to be ashamed of. But unlike that girl in college, he was there everyday and he was always nice and supportive. And from time to time he pulled me into his arms to hug me. When he did I became a zombie. The more he held me the more I wanted him to never let me go. In a dream one of those nights I dreamt that I was sitting on a sofa in a big sunlit room nursing a baby. He walked in and asked me how being a new mother was treating me, and I took my baby from my breast and held her up to him. I made this baby for you.

    Something told me that I was in love with him. When one hug required kisses, I turned my face to him for his lips to kiss mine. His kiss was strong and forceful, and he held me to him so tight I struggled to breathe. When he stopped kissing me I told him I loved him. Soon after he was kissing me while he held me under him and he was joining me to him. I had a series of orgasms, some light and pleasurable and one very deep and I lost consciousness when he completed his ejaculations in me. Was I in love? So deep you can't explain it. I wanted more than anything to live that dream, and make him a baby.

    The baby came without fanfare, a girl like in my dream and I nursed her in his living room. When I nursed I never covered myself, both breasts exposed so he could watch his baby feeding from me. I lost all inhibitions, I asked for and received sexual advances, I lay on the bed offering myself to him. I watched his eyes as he examined my genitals, his nostrils opening smelling for me, his hands taking me by my hips and feeling his every thrust in me. I never used any form of birth control, whether artificial or otherwise, my body was his for him to inseminate me. By the time I turned 28 I had three children.

    But then something happened. I met a girl in a casual get together. She is and has been a true lesbian since forever. She smelled that in me. And soon I was behaving badly, I was uncontrollable. I needed her, sexually, intimately. I flashed my genitals at her, I took her genitals in my mouth and savored her. Something dormant, in a box, had been opened, and like the proverbial Pandora's box, it could not be closed again.

    He let me go, slowly. He stood with me when I got married. He is the father of my children, and when I am lonely I want him to hold me. His kisses now are fatherly. His hugs fatherly. He is the man I love, truly. But Pandora's box is open, and I can't turn away from it.

    My Path And Discovery That I Liked Girl Company

    In my junior year of college I had planned on going with my roommate and two other girls to Mexico for Spring Break. But my car needed some work and I had to pull out and stay back at school that week. I had met this foreign student in class and he was still on campus and we went to eat pizza. After pizza he suggested a movie and we went to Blockbuster's and rented Amadeus. Back at his apartment we watched the movie. It was only me and him there.

    The scene where Mozart is chasing the girl under the table really turned him on and he started chasing me. He caught me in the kitchen and I slipped down to get away and was crawling when he caught my foot and pulled me under him. Holding me down like that he pushed my pants down, over my behind, before letting his pants down. All of a sudden I had his live hard dick in my butt crack and I knew I was going to lose my virginity. I asked him not to fuck me a like a dog, to let me turn over under him. But he fucked me like a dog.

    I stayed the night there and he fucked me some more that night and the next day he took me to my apartment and then to a party at some other foreign student's place. The were fixing food on the grill and he put me to work with this other girl to prepare side dishes. He came by to see what we were doing and grabbed a handful of the other girl's ass. She turned on him, but he grabbed her fist and kissed her bent over backwards on the kitchen table. All the while humping her.

    She told me she had dated him but he was always wanting sex and he always put her to work when he was with his friends and didn't like the women getting in on the conversations. She asked me how long he had been fucking me. It was that crude. He does fuck you? Right? I admitted to it, and she told me that he was very possessive.

    After the party he offered that girl a rid back and the three of us went to his apartment. It was a fuck party in the living room while he had a porn tape on the VCR. Somehow, she and I got into it and she told me that I wasn't her first girl. The rest of Spring Break I spent every day with her, and every night too. Only then did I realize that I preferred her to having sex with him.

    She and I became best friends for the duration until graduation. He came around from time to time and we let him have a turn with us. It was OK really, we sort of liked the diversion. When college ended I went my way and she went her way and he went back home to his country. It was five years after graduation that we just went ahead and agreed to make a go for it.

    In those days you faked it. Living together wasn't an issue, it was having a one bed apartment. We lived in the all girl part of town and we made friends there. From time to time we met and invited some guy to treat us. It's like every three or four months we needed a good fucking. We are too old for that now, but that doesn't mean that if we did have a man come by looking to have sex with us. Just dreaming.

    We never did go to Mexico. Our traveling is to Europe. Or visiting relatives.

    My Initiating Into The Sisterhood

    I call this my initiation. I studied business at a Catholic college and got a job working in bookkeeping at a small company. There was a woman there who casually told me she was lesbian, but unattached at the moment. We talked, and to be truthful I was very curious. She filled in the blanks about of lesbian things, including some of things they did when they got together. She told me in my face that the first thing you had to do was get over an open pussy.

    When men fuck, she told me, the woman is under him and he feels his way around to fuck her. When women fuck, you have to face open pussy. Not all women can deal with it. I was curious and told her that I had seen pussy on the internet and she told me it's a lot different, and with that she stood and took off her panties, and sat down and leaned back in her chair and put her feet on the desk and showed her pussy. Do you like that? Does it make you just want to kiss it?

    She rubbed her pussy for a couple of minutes and spread her lips open. Come on eat me, she said. Don't stop without giving me an orgasm. After I stood there, she sat back down and put on her panties and told me I wasn't a lesbian. That's exactly what she meant.

    It was a few weeks later and she told me that she was feeling needy. She wanted to have her bones jumped, to have an orgasm. She was going out to this wine bar where lesbians hung out and she was going to get picked up by some dyke lawyer. And without warning, do you want to come, or are you going to eat my pussy?

    Eating her pussy wasn't what I expected. She got me naked and ate me. Until I had an orgasm. She let me lay there, while she played with my tits and kissed me. You are not a lesbian until you eat pussy. And with that she got over me, on her knees she lowered her pussy into my face. It took a moment for me to find a way to breathe and she held me by the hair and was grinding her pussy on my face. and I began licking. I found her vagina and she started sweating and soon I was gasping for air I thought I was drowning. She got off, she told me to stand, she laid down and opened her legs. Eat me c**t! And I did. And now I'm a lesbian.

    I Met My One And Only As My First Roommate In College

    I suppose that a lot of people have sex for the first time with their roommate. That doesn't make you gay, but your first time is gay sex. Certainly that is the way it was with me. I came up from Tennessee to the Chicago area, to one of those Northwestern type schools, and my roommate was a girl from one those countries that speak Spanish. It was our first time away from home for both of us, but for her it was doubly bad. She was on scholarship and she wasn't going home until the end of the school year.

    The rooms were small, with two single beds, and desk setup with chest of drawers and a small open closet to hands things. Since we both came up from far away we didn't have as many clothes as some of the girls there. Our bathroom set up was communal down the hall, four stalls and four showerheads. If you didn't line up you could wait a long time. She was very modest, is that the right word? scared of being seen naked and scared to take a dump in front of other girls. All I'm saying is that I kind of had to take her by the hand.

    A lot of the girls there had groomed themselves down there. I was a bikini shaver but not much beyond that. But my roommate had so much bush for such a small girl. She had small tits with brown nipples and well her little ass was really nice. Not that I was looking. I told her that now that she was at school she should at least trim up for bikini panties, because that is what I liked. So on Saturday afternoon I took a pair of scissors and she stood on a towel in our room and went to work trimming away all that awful bush she had. I got down to her lips, puffy, maybe because I was working on her, and dark brown. I got a lot off before having her lay back on the bed with her legs open so I could shave her. She had hair all the way up her buttcrack and I shave her there as well. Until her brown pussy and butt were clean for kissing. Not that that was my intention.

    Why we do what we do is often one of those things you only ask afterwards. But the first thing I did once she was all smooth and clean was to kiss her little butt hole. Then smashed my face up her buttcrack and ate her out that way. There wasn't stopping once I got started, I spread her out and she arched her hips and I ate her freshly shaved pussy too. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, and my little brown sister liked it as much as I did. I have to say it now, I really liked how her pussy looked.

    In addition to taking care of her 'looks' and being company to he when went to shower, we were together for meals and waiting for her for when she got out of class. I won't say I was escorting her, just keeping company with her. We decided that we could make one of the beds a couch and she would slip in with me in the other bed, so that's how we slept. As we got to know each other better she told me stories of the maid that kissed and ate her pussy for her. She told me that it was different because the maid's pussy smelled really bad, but she liked eating my pussy which I appreciated too.

    Over time we came to realize that there were lots of girl couples on campus, some were a lot more boy girl types, but there were a lot like us that you couldn't tell right off which one was the girl and which one was the boy in the relationship. We had guy friends, but for some reason we attracted gay guys, and we of course had gay girl friends too. We never considered ourselves 'gay', it's just that we lived together, and we didn't like sleeping alone in the Chicago winters.

    Only after we left college did it really become apparent that in our little world I had taken on the guy role and she was the little missus that waited happily for me to come home. Because she needed to stay and not go home, we found a guy friend, gay, don't think otherwise, to marry her and keep her here. They were married for almost five years by the time all her papers were completely passed being taken, and they got 'divorced'. The good thing is that he never once 'touched' her. She came to me scared and lonely and I made her my one and only. So first sex maybe 'gay', and if it is, so much the better.

  • Married Off At 17 To A Gay Man, I Learned That I Was A Lesbian

    Fitting in as a the woman of the house was a big challenge. I went to live with him totally inexperienced, sexually or otherwise. I couldn't cook hot water, I didn't make the bed, I had never cleaned a bathroom. Marriage was a totally new experience.

    In my house, we lived in a developing country, we had maids for everything. And yes even when we were little we had a maid to wipe our butts. Now, alone in an apartment in a college town in Iowa, I was faced with the part of being married. My husband, who was there for his PhD in Animal Science, was 30. I was 17. I was married to him to take care of him while he was away from home.

    Well, this is what happened. First there was no sex. Nothing, nada. I didn't have to worry, he told me, when I was old enough for it he would let me know. I slept in one of the two rooms and he put me in a school to learn English. He asked a lady who worked for the Animal Science department to teach me how to use American appliances. She was twenty four.

    My first lesson was the washing machine. Sorting clothes on the floor before taking them down to the washing machines in the basement. Sorting out my 'dirty' things. Those she put a pot of hot water on the stove and boiled them in soap. Next was how to make a bed properly, then how to clean the bathroom. All the time checking on the clothes in the basement and to see if the stains had come out of my 'dirty' things.

    I was shown how to use a vacuum cleaner, how to cleanout the refrigerator. How to set a table, all in all, how to be a woman. She had me undress for her and taught me how to shave myself so that my pubes didn't poke out from my underwear. First she had me stand on a towel, and with a pair of scissors trim down the wild jungle, until it was short and tame, then to lather myself and shave me down to the edge of my lips. She told me that when a man wants to 'eat' you he doesn't want hair in his nostrils. What?

    She taught me how to wipe myself correctly, because she noticed that in my 'dirty' things I had 'skid marks'. A girl has to keep herself clean for a husband.

    She was a 'buxom' woman, with large breasts. Not something that in my country a lot of women had. I wasn't one of them, I was small compared to her. She showed me how to fit my bra. Then while I was standing topless in my panties, after she had trimmed back the jungle and shaved my bikini, she kissed me on the lips and told me she was going to take care of me.

    For the two years I was there she took good care of me. She helped me do my housework, and helped me learn how to be a woman. I learned how to let her 'eat' me, and how to 'eat' her. I loved being held with my face in her bosoms and having her twist my nipples. I was very sexually active with her. My husband had his friends and his PhD program. He never approached me.

    When he finished his program and we returned to our country, I was a little older and wiser. I knew how to ask the maid to wash my panties by boiling them on the stove and I had learned to wipe myself with soap and water. I trimmed down my jungle and shave myself carefully. I knew how to have the table set and what to have cooked for his dinner. But he never came to me, and I started having sex with a lady painter. She was older, and very much more aggressive. She bit me, both my nipples and my clit, and she liked poking me up with these dildos. 'Getting me ready' for my husband.

    I was married for five years before my husband came to me, it was his duty to get me pregnant. I was still only 23 but I had no desire for him. I submitted to being made pregnant, my lady friend managed his approaches. Only when I was fertile, and she kept track of my fertility with a thermometer. He had done his duty, and I was doing mine.

    One day my lady friend asked me what I thought my husband was doing? About his sexual pleasure. She showed me a photograph that she had a man take for her, my husband with a young man, younger than I was, at an all boy party. Your husband is a homosexual, she told me. And with that she made love to me, and after the lovemaking, she spent time rubbing my tummy down with oils and ointments to prevent stretch marks.

    I live in California, I moved here twenty seven years ago with lady friend and my three daughters.