This category is for ALL things political. They say the only two things you never discuss around the dinner table are "religion" and "politics." That's good advise, but this isn't the dinner table! This is a designated SAFE place. Confess all your political options to the World right here. Don't worry, we'll most likely debate you back, but debate is good for the flow ideas now isn't it? Here's a hint! ..Don't be racist, misogynistic, homophobic (or whatever else the new offensive word of the day is today) and you won't have your confession removed.

I'm A Survivor Of An Entrapment In College

I was pretty insecure as a girl. I went to my mother's alma mater for college. When I got there, starting with my freshman roommate, I was convinced that I was naturally born lesbian. I didn't feel lesbian but I went along. By the time I graduated I had been sexually active only with lesbians. I moved, followed my lesbian partner to the Bay area. After a short time I asked a friend to help me leave her.

This friend, after hearing me out, said she didn't think I was lesbian. She said she had been there, and it sounded more like I had been seduced into it, I should get as far away as possible. I went home, back to my parents. There I met a man who worked with the bank. He was nice, but standoffish. After a few times talking to him he said I was hiding something. I told him about college.

He invited me to experience sex like it should be. We went to dinner and he pointed out the gays there, for every one that's obvious, there's one that isn't. We went to a bar, ladies night, a woman asked me to dance. He told me would watch. She was very physical, lots of hugging and kisses. I went back to the table and told him I was ready.

We had doll sex, formal, not intimate. But it was with a man sex. I wasn't invited for a repeat. Over the next months I went out with him a few times, but no sex. I wanted to dance with that girl. But I told myself I hadn't been tested. I pursued more man sex. Until he wanted something more serious. Today I live in the straight heterosexual world.

My path through the lesbian homosexual world took eight years. I never was lesbian.

  • My Weird Neighbor

    My parents neighbor who is 52 and good looking has a big dick. 8 inches and uncut. I was extremely surprised to see he’s big and uncut.

    I saw him naked in his back yard one day and knew then I just had to have his dick. But he honestly can never shut his mouth up about politics. Such a turn off

    So back in September on a warm day I was getting in a few last tans for the year. I was outside in just my bikini. A thong bikini to be exact. I figured I’d wear something more skimpy for his viewing pleasure.

    I see that he noticed me and I decided to fake apologize for my bikini. He said you’re fine. So I get up to talk to him. My butt cheeks all exposed and my tits covered just enough to make it sexy.

    He asked when I moved back in and I told him a few weeks ago because I’m going to buy a house in the next year or two. After more talking and him asking if I’m dating I told him no I’m just looking for casual fun.

    So bossy me told him that if he can keep his mouth shut on politics while having sex I’d like to make an fwb situation with him. I could see a bulge in his pants grow when I said that

    So I let him fuck me. It was everything I hoped for. A big uncut dick. It was my first dick that big and my first uncut one. And obviously he enjoyed my younger tight shaved pussy. Which he did cum in and I wasn’t on birth control at the time. So I told him I needed to get plan b

    But knowing it would be regular sex I got an iud so that he could finish in me every time

    My parents are unaware I let their annoying neighbor fuck me a few times a week. But I did get questioned a few weeks ago when I came walking in the house late at night with my panties in my hand

    Breeding A Gay Catholic Republican

    So this guy with a blank profile sends me a message on Grindr. He sends a few blurry or filtered photos. I figure I have nothing to lose by walking half a block to his place.

    He's a stocky Latin guy, clean shaven all over, with a girly, bubble ass. He is on his knees sucking me pretty much the moment his apartment door closes.

    In his antique bed I breed him three times. We kiss like we're newlyweds.

    We're talking afterward and it turns out he's a gay, Catholic Republican. His family has no idea he's gay (though it should be obvious) and his way of reconciling these fundamentally incompatible identities is just to take random dick instead of having relationships.

    I fuck him maybe five more times before he moves away, always bare and always multiple loads.

    I hope someday he decides to exit the log cabin, skip church, and live his life authentically.

  • Women And Children First, Nature Demands This Principle Be Followed

    I'm on the side of nature, not equity. Nature does not side with equity.

    Once when I was nine on a river boat I was on began to sink. We were on an Amazon tributary between one river port and another, on the way to my grandmother. As the boat was unrecoverable the calls came out for 'women and children'. We were pushed onto a rubber lifeboat with one young and strong sailor. We survived, not all the men survived, although some did. My father did not.

    Many years later I was in a discussion in my college class (in Brazil this craziness happens too) about this principle, women and children first. Why women and children first? I did not at that time announce myself. Why?

    Because women can bear children and replace the one's lost. The children are the future and they cannot help save the boat. In time my mother bore more children to another man. One was a son, named after my father. In time, after I was past the years of education, I bore children to a man. Each male child was named for one of the men that were lost.

    Nature doesn't play games, equity would have lost everyone, equity would not have provided for more children to be horn to replace the ones that were lost.

    A CPA And Attorney, Lesbian By Nature, I Thirst For Normal Behavior

    For an experienced lesbian woman in her forties I have an aversion to the whole LGBTQ+ movement. I don't participate and my friends that I hang out with don't either. I want to say to those out there, most of us by hand count are not in agreement with the lectures and the platform.

    We are women first, women not men. We do not want some man pretending to be a woman in our restrooms. We do not want some loud mouthpiece in our midst. We do not want some sick lesbian with issues dictating to us our wants and political affiliation. A good half of us are conservative and vote Republican, we vote for our wallets and our wellbeing. We do not dress like that, we do not behave like that, and yes we do the serving, and cooking and cleaning when we are in mixed company.

    I am particularly against the take over of institutions like teaching by butt hurt lesbians. Keep your hands off the children. It would be better if there was some control at the turnstile for political office, as far as myself and many of my cohorts we have a big problem with the LGBT movement having political office.

    I will say that at a given meeting, as a consultant in a client's office, being a lesbian has never hurt me. I find that there is zero pushback. I am hired because I have an education and experience to assist my clients work through their problems. With the exception of the latest bloom of consultants in HR related fields, lesbians like myself are hard working and leave our bedroom behavior at home and not at work and not in public. My advice to my clients, is to drop their consultant agreements for their HR departments, they will live to regret doing otherwise.

    I've said what I came to say. I enjoy good lesbian narratives, like any other sexual being I enjoy hearing about other lesbian experiences. We have all been there, including our first experiences with men (or boys when it happened in high school). There is no shame in not being a virgin. A good fuck story, or a story about meeting that girl on vacation. I get wet, I masturbate, I like being hot and bothered all alone in my bedroom. A hot tongue is nice, but so is my finger.

  • Never Thought I Would End Up Here, Telling My Story

    It was New Years Eve 2014, I was home for the holidays, turned twenty that fall. I went with my sister to a party of some friends of hers. I went back to school pregnant.

    By the end of March I had made up my mind to go ahead with the pregnancy. My mother offered to help, while I finished school. I would have to transfer back to the local college. And live at home.

    I had a boy. For some reason's men think highly of you for giving them a son, a single girl feels better with a girl. Having a boy I decided to call the dad. His answer was what you expect, why had I hidden from him, kept his kid from him. And why was I now calling him? Child support?

    What happened after that I never expected. I should have, but I was caught by surprise. And so began my road to being his wife. I resisted, talked the talk, but did not walk the walk. Slowly, day by day, he bent me, one millimeter at a time. But bent his way I was. When I did graduate, his son was eighteen months old and I was still living at home.

    I moved because of my son, not because he told me. I set up house because it felt better for my son, not because he told me. I got pregnant again so my son would have a sibling, not because he told me. I got married because he told me.

    Yes, I was bent enough to know when to argue, and when to do what I was told.

    I'm 30, New Years is coming up, I have two kids at home. Like every New Years since that night I got pregnant, we are staying home. A man knows when to do what his baby mama's tells him, and stays home with his wife and sons.

    Should I Hold A Press Conference.

    I have been seeing a woman off and on for over twenty years. When we started she was a lawyer. Today she is a state legislator and is planning to run for attorney general. For the first few years we made a lot of sex tapes together. A lot of them are of an extreme fetish nature. I have on video her begging me to pee in her mouth and then doing it. I probably have a few hundred hours of these sex tapes.

    So you are probably thinking what's the big deal? Shortly after we met she got married to her husband who is a member of the clergy of a major denomination of Fundamental churches that are a major financial contributor to her campaign.

    They say timing is everything. She is still married and has three children with her husband. He does not know about our on going twenty year affair. He has no clue. The public has no clue. You see, she and I are step siblings. My Dad married her Mom. Shortly after my Dad passed away from cancer and her Mom became a world class witch spelled with a B. Then she remarried and the new husband had lots of money and adopted my step sister but not me because I wasn't really his wife's son. I am not married and in my state having sex with the daughter of your late father's mother isn't a crime if it's consensual. And, this woman is like her mother. But the sex is good or was at least and outside of sex she is a real witch spelled with a B as well. Now the sex is no where near as good. And she is very needy and always complains when I don't make myself available to her for sex but she does little to nothing to reciprocate. She will demand I give her head four hours at a time through three of her mind shattering orgasms then when I ask her she tells me to put my worthless little cock away. She used to love sucking and fucking it but with all those giant dildoes she uses no wonder my cock can't satisfy her. An elephant couldn't satisfy her. And always whining and complaining about ridiculous things like why I can't fuck her for 12 hours straight.

    So I have come to a decision. It is toxic for me to remain with her so I am going to leave her but not sure about timing. I really want to see how far up the ladder she is going to go. Because since her Mom inherited all my Dad's money leaving me with nothing and then she spent all that money on my step sister's law degree and political campaigns I feel cheated. So I have written a tell all book that will be illustrated with photos from the videos we made together. But I am not sure if I should do this on her inauguration day or wait until she is settled into office of if I should wait and see if she gets elected to attorney general. she has revealed to me her plan to get elected to attorney general then governor then run for president. I mean if I publish a tell all book the month after she is sworn in as president that would make me millions. If I publish the book now I might make five percent of that. But I need money now so I'm just not sure. I am also somewhat concerned about how much damage she will do as a legislator. She has some crazy conspiracy theory ideas that have recently become popular. I know if I expose her now she's done politically. If I wait it will be a more notorious case and I will get rich from it.

    I am open to suggestions.

    Black MAGA Meat

    It all started about 2 years ago on Tik Tok. A friend of mine, also black, told me how he was able to develop a huge following by creating content while wearing a MAGA hat. Particularly YT female Trump supporters that behaved like groupies whenever they saw a black man wearing a MAGA hat. He encouraged me to try it out. I told him that I knew very little about politics. He said "don't matter! Just wear the silly ass hat and say TRUMP 2024 over and over". He assured me that not only were there countless white female Trump supporters of all ages that were willing to meet up and do anything, but some offered money and g*fts.

    I thought he was out of his mind! But I was looking to develop a following on Tik Tok, so I decided to test it out. I borrowed his silly ass MAGA hat and started doing short videos ( 1 minute) saying nothing but "Trump 2024". Within a couple of days I gained about 20k followers. As my followers grew, so did the amount of messages in my DM. And just like my boy said, there were quite a few YT girls sending messages and flirting. Some messages included phone numbers with requests saying "show me your cock". Some were college girls that liked to party and some were married women who wanted attention. Apparently some of their "alpha male" Trump supporting husbands had little dicks and spent more time drinking and worshipping Trump then they did fucking their wives.

    So I will be using this platform to share my adventures with meeting up with YT female Trump supporters and transforming them into Black MAGA Meat worshippers.

    Stay tuned...

    As A Manager I Have To Make The Hard Choices,

    Not all men are created equal. All you have to do is go to the mall. By the same token not all women are created equal. All you have to do is go to the mall. So we get into this never ending discussion.

    At work I have two women who work for me. One is talented, industrious, level headed. But she is not good looking. The other is dependent, needs praise, finds excuses for not finishing her tasks. But she is hot, very good looking.

    As a manager I'm supposed to treat these women equally, blind. No way the smart, hardworking woman should be given a raise when the equally ambitious good looking woman who doesn't get her job done is passed over. Likewise, for the distribution of game tickets, the good looking woman who always wears hot clothes and flaunts it, especially when she is with a man, shouldn't get the pick of her choice, whereas the competent, nice, friendly woman stays home to watch on television.

    These are hard choices for the manager. In the end you can only pick one for a raise, or one to go with you to the game. Which one do you choose? Always, err on the part of which one gives you the most pleasure. You give the good looking one the raise and take her to the game.

    That's why I'm the manager and not the one staying late getting the reports done. That's a job for the competent, responsible, hard working not good looking one.

  • These New 'rules' Are Making Life Difficult

    I have a big mouth and I say bad words. For a 28 year old who got promoted as an HR Generalist I was was warned to watch my language. I got reported because I said my old boss 'tore me a new asshole'. It was an expression, not really something sexual. But the HR Director took any sexual expressions and sexual harassments seriously.

    In the investigation I told the committee he kissed me, he didn't actually ass fuck me. And him kissing me wasn't sexual harassment. I didn't complain, had I? He was my boss, that's an accident of the organization chart. I am his. Lover, 'girl' Friday, office boy. I don't file sexual harassment against the man who fucks me.

    Fraternization policies apply between a superior and a subordinate. He's my top, I'm his bottom. Life's natural position when 'the man' fucks you. He got promoted, an accident of the organization chart.