Anything Goes
This happened once when i went to the beach.
We had just left home on an hour drive. i hadn't got to the toilet before we left even though i really needed to go. by the time we had go there i was really hurting and had to run down a 200m path to get to the toilets.
The toilets were composting toilets male on one side female on the other, with two separate stalls back to back on each side.
I was in a rush and the female toilets were the closest. i ran up to the first door and saw out of the corner of my eye the door to the other stall next to me just close.
i went in, pulled down my pants and sat down and started to piss. "ahhh" i said with relief.
"feels releving dosn't it." a girls voice form the stall behind me said as a hissing sound started.
"yeah it dose." i said.
it was silent for a while apart from the hissing comming from her side as she pissed.
"your a guy" she said after a while.
"well i was busting" i replied.
she giggled and asked me what i was doing.
"just pissing and now im going to crap."
"yeah same, you want to play a game?" she asked me.
"Ok" i replied.
"you haven't start crapping yet have you."
"not yet"
"ok then we're gonna have a slow race. the rules are no pushing and last on to finish wins ok, tell me when your ready."
i sat there for a while and it started to come it was at my back door now read to come out.
"ok 1,2,3 go"
a fart rang out as she started we laughter a bit.
"so are you from here?" she asked me.
"no," i replied. "are you?"
"yeah, i go to the beach often."
"How old are you?" was the next question.
i replied "18"
"yeah same."
"How far are you now?" she asked.
"I've only got an inch."
"mine just came out. its hard and lumpy."
"yeah mine is to."
we sat there for at least half an hour just pooping and chatting. her regular updates started to turn me on.
then i was finished.
"i'm done."
"i'm only half way" she replied.
i grabed a hand full of papper and whiped skid marks all over it, washed my hands. i was about to leave when.
"wait up a moment." the girl said as she now started to push making grunting sounds. i looked down into the pit and saw a piece of poo roll down from her side to mine. i closed the lid. she farted it sounded wet; it was then followed by what sounded like a mud slide.
"well im done. im just gonna wipe."
i open the door and walked out; there was noone around. i heard the tap run as she washed her hands. the engaged sign on the door turned and the door opened and a very cute face apearred. she was blonde and her hair ran down her back. she wore sea shell earings and a black bikini top and a white mini skirt that only covered less then half her thighs. she was wearing pink thongs on her feet and carried a small white hand bag that she reached into as she smiled at me.
"that was fun" she said
i was lost for words, she was hot!!! i was a bit embarassed.
She pulled a phone from her hand bag and asked "can i have your phone numbers?"
"yeah of course, i'll get yours as well, um"
i gave her my name and number and she gave me hers.
and now we talk to each other a lot and when ever i go to the beach i always let her know when im in town and we've had a few other adventures.
We had just left home on an hour drive. i hadn't got to the toilet before we left even though i really needed to go. by the time we had go there i was really hurting and had to run down a 200m path to get to the toilets.
The toilets were composting toilets male on one side female on the other, with two separate stalls back to back on each side.
I was in a rush and the female toilets were the closest. i ran up to the first door and saw out of the corner of my eye the door to the other stall next to me just close.
i went in, pulled down my pants and sat down and started to piss. "ahhh" i said with relief.
"feels releving dosn't it." a girls voice form the stall behind me said as a hissing sound started.
"yeah it dose." i said.
it was silent for a while apart from the hissing comming from her side as she pissed.
"your a guy" she said after a while.
"well i was busting" i replied.
she giggled and asked me what i was doing.
"just pissing and now im going to crap."
"yeah same, you want to play a game?" she asked me.
"Ok" i replied.
"you haven't start crapping yet have you."
"not yet"
"ok then we're gonna have a slow race. the rules are no pushing and last on to finish wins ok, tell me when your ready."
i sat there for a while and it started to come it was at my back door now read to come out.
"ok 1,2,3 go"
a fart rang out as she started we laughter a bit.
"so are you from here?" she asked me.
"no," i replied. "are you?"
"yeah, i go to the beach often."
"How old are you?" was the next question.
i replied "18"
"yeah same."
"How far are you now?" she asked.
"I've only got an inch."
"mine just came out. its hard and lumpy."
"yeah mine is to."
we sat there for at least half an hour just pooping and chatting. her regular updates started to turn me on.
then i was finished.
"i'm done."
"i'm only half way" she replied.
i grabed a hand full of papper and whiped skid marks all over it, washed my hands. i was about to leave when.
"wait up a moment." the girl said as she now started to push making grunting sounds. i looked down into the pit and saw a piece of poo roll down from her side to mine. i closed the lid. she farted it sounded wet; it was then followed by what sounded like a mud slide.
"well im done. im just gonna wipe."
i open the door and walked out; there was noone around. i heard the tap run as she washed her hands. the engaged sign on the door turned and the door opened and a very cute face apearred. she was blonde and her hair ran down her back. she wore sea shell earings and a black bikini top and a white mini skirt that only covered less then half her thighs. she was wearing pink thongs on her feet and carried a small white hand bag that she reached into as she smiled at me.
"that was fun" she said
i was lost for words, she was hot!!! i was a bit embarassed.
She pulled a phone from her hand bag and asked "can i have your phone numbers?"
"yeah of course, i'll get yours as well, um"
i gave her my name and number and she gave me hers.
and now we talk to each other a lot and when ever i go to the beach i always let her know when im in town and we've had a few other adventures.