I A Homosexual

I didn't really want to do this but I confess for real that I am a sissy homosexual that wants to be cuckold by my alpha wife. I want to eat women lingerie and make up. I've told my wife ,15 years ago that I am a homosexual after she tricked me with alcohol. After a few drinks without eating anything all day, she had me slam down vodka and cold drinks that she prepared for me. She kept forcing me to drink up shoving glass after glass intoy hand and directing.thd glass up to.my mouth. She gote naked instructing that I was to keep my legs opened the entire time. She asked questions that made my small cock to pulsste when her questions about being with women failed. It was when she asked...,,,",,who said that I was talking about women,,,? Ever been with a man before babe? Man??u little penis jerked and pulsated!! Ahhhh she said now we're getting somewhere. Been with a me and huh, hon?? Kidding and hugging on bed? I in etbhe was good looking huh?? I bet his cock was nice!!? My clit was going crazy. Did you give him babe job bab?
I bet you fucked him good huh? It his ass feel good to your little cock, babe?? Did he find you or did you go looking for him, hon?? Tell me hon,,!! We're being truthful here right? So tell me that you went to bed with another man! Tell me
I won't tell anyone!! (She did) I've fucked a fewen when I go on businesses. I just sit there drinking my drink and men will hit on me

So now you tell me you've been to bed with a man doing that homosexual thing with each other. Do you start or did he start? You kids and fuck don't you? I know you
You can't go long without giving. Was he cute, you know, the one that you fucked? I bet he was! My cock was now swollen. Each time shed say was he cute and did he have a nice cock,,,??? You sucked him? My clit would pulsate. My precum was oozing out andy shaft was covered. I see you have your cock is giving you away since I mentioned you being with a man
I know you've been with a man
Tell me hon?!! You've been with a man in your hotel room. Fucking on him
Be as man for once. Step up to the plate be truthful
You know you have. Iny mind I'm confused. I know I've been with many men while on the road. She kept pressing and pressing
Finally I said ITS TRUE!!! I've been with a man
before. She stood there over me drilling. She let out " I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT!!!! I LNEW UOU WERE A FAGGOT. YOU'RE A FUCKINH FAGGOT...I KNEW IT! She had a shitty eating grin on her face from one ear to the other. Are you the guy on bed?? No...when they fuck me I'm the woman. Her mouth fell open. "THEY"?? Yes I said. THEY I said...Yha to shut her up. They use you as a woman?? Yes. They use me as a woman. They bringe nice lingerie to wear. I like it very much. We sat there and talked. She asked if I took care of the men? I shook my head slowly yes
You suck them off? Yes I said. Do you swallow or spit? I smiled and said I swallow. PHEW she let out. GOOD!!! CAUSE IF YOU SPIT, YOUR NOT ANY GUN FOR THEM!
So for the record, br ca ho is not just a faggot, but a sissy faggot on his way to become the best cuckold beta husband ever.



by Anonymous on Nov 30, 2023 at 6:05 AM

Youre either drunk high or a bad typist. I couldnt make out half of what you were saying.

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