What A Life It's Been, We've Been Together Forty Years

I was assigned as a payables clerk to an office when the regular girl was out on maternity. The office manager was a lady in her thirties who had been there for several years. She was friendly and we talked and I told her I was new in town and looking for a full time position. On Friday she told me that we had off that afternoon because the boss was taking off early, we should go to lunch, the boss had a laid a 50 on her so let's spend it.

She took me to a place, off the beaten track. It was lunch with a lingerie show. While you ate, girls in underwear served the tables. Not all the underwear was appropriate, some thongs were extremely skimpy, and some of the girls were oversized for their bras. She watched me and asked if I was uncomfortable. Why should men have titty bars and women not enjoy the same thing? Well for one, it was women we were looking at, and the place was all women, no men allowed.

She confessed to me that she was strictly into women, no man had ever touched her. I told her that I wasn't from that persuasion. She laughed, 'wait until you eat pussy'. And thus began my trip down into dark alleys, lesbian bars and lesbian lunch rooms. Lesbian only naked parties, lesbian spa dates. Lesbian sleepovers, and eating pussy. I fell into it, I didn't go, I didn't look for it.

During my lesbian awakening I met a girl who worked at a clothing store for, you guessed it, lesbian women. Lots of toys and strange underwear, lubricants and oils, little collars with chains, butt plugs of all colors. And a selection of Japanese vibrators. I was overwhelmed, but she made me look, and touch and whispered nasty things in my ear. Did I think I would be into some videos, you know some girls getting it on for the viewer. A whole collection of lesbian porn, from B movies of falling in love on the metro, to outright sex. You rent them, we rewind for you.

She wanted and wore a small leather collar, and when we went out she put a wristband on me, with a small chain to her collar. She liked hard nipples and rubbed this 'stuff' on them, tasted like marshmallows. We went to dive bars where girls danced half naked, we went to small dark places where girls picked up girls. We went to a wine bar where dykes gathered. Such was life in the bid city. But at night, all safe in our bed, she was a kitten who needed to be loved upon.

I had to draw the line somewhere, the office manager at that job I had invited me to a talk by this woman, who was looking for volunteers for a demonstration. That's not me I told her, I'm not going to be seen on TV. The movement had started and I sat on the sideline with my girlfriend. I told her not to go and she didn't. We were out enough with her dog collar.

Time passes and now I am here on this web site to confess that I still have my girlfriend, but we are fat and happy. The collar stage is long over, now she wears a ring on her finger. We moved around a bit but returned to the city. And sometimes for fun we go and watch girls parade in their underwear. My friend, the office manager, retired and she reminds me, once you eat pussy....


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