- That's Juicy! 17
- Remove It! 5
if it felt good to you, just think how good it felt to the other guys.
sounds like you had quite a bumpy ride while the bus was sitting still, no wonder the driver was looking at you. And uncle or not, he knew what was going on back there, and I'm sure he also knew that you got creamed.
You may have had a sheepish look on your face, but you knew how much you liked the feel of their cocks between your legs.
while you were walking to the front, did you see the guys in the back giving each other high fives? bet your uncle did, and with what he saw in that back seat, along with that sheepish look on your face had no trouble figuring out what went on.
I'll bet you pranced like a fresh fucked little bitch going to the front.
You were 15,so I'm sure you got more of that, weather you liked it or not. It only happened to me once, I was 18 and a senior, and it was the last day of school. I got taken to the back of the bus by 4 guys in my class, and this 14 year old black kid. While the others stood in the isle, the 14 year old got me on all fours on the seat and fucked me. In fact, he fucked me three times befor my stop came up. The driver told me he knew what went on back there, but I didn't even care.
I was 18 the night I got the dick from a 16 year old black kid. He had his gramps 1986 ford truck, the seat leaned way back, he was on his back, I was on top of him, and his dick was to his nuts between my legs. He said ride that dick bitch, ride it till I cum in you ass, and I did.
I'm sorry but I don't get it; is the OP a girl or guy?