Some Wavering Thoughts

About 6 years ago, just weeks after our 25th anniversary I found out my now ex-husband had been cheating on me with his young coworker who is almost half of his age. I was heartbroken.
My son who was 24 at that time was also depressed as his long distance gf called it quits.

We ended up having rebound sex after my divorce was finalized. It remained casual and once in a while thing for three years until we were spending more time together during covid lockdowns. I started having romantic feelings for him and so he did for me.

But I am still very nervous about diving into a committed relationship again, especially when he is my own son. I tried to stop myself thinking what we are doing is wrong but I just can not. A recent death in my family got me thinking again about finiteness and limited opportunities of our lifetime and I want to give it a try.

What do you think?



by Spawn on Dec 17, 2024 at 3:39 AM

Tanya, how did the sex start the first time? Was it more his idea or yours to end up having sex? Me and my sister had sex after both of us had relationships end badly. We were both pretty drunk at the time but Id have to say I was the one that pressed it and got her to have sex. How often do you feel you and he have sex now?

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by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2024 at 4:42 AM

It just happened. But it was more of his idea than mine but I couldn't resist him either, I really needed that. We were contemplating what went wrong with our relationships. I was sad and crying and couldn't find any possible reason that his dad would cheat on me after all those years having a wonderful marriage.

I started blaming myself, thinking that I got older and not attractive enough but my son, Sid, stopped me midway and assured me that I am still attractive and hot and I couldn't help but noticing him getting hard as he was complimenting me looking at my figure.

He came up to me and lifted me up on his arms like nothing (I am a small woman and he is a tall man) and he kissed me. I wanted to not kiss back, but my legs wrapped around his waist and I couldn't stop kissing him back which led to more things. The next morning we both felt guilty and decided it was only one time thing and that we should never mention it again. After that he went to join his work in another city and we had limited contact feeling awkward.

But I couldn't stop thinking about the encounter and often masturbated reminiscing it. I think he did too. When he came back home during holidays about four months later, we again felt the need and hooked up again. It kept happening a few times after three four months break each time we met for the next three years. During lockdowns it became more of a regular thing. Though after lockdown it became less frequent but he visits me during weekends usually and leaves home early Monday to get back to the city where his office is. He had been asking me to move in with him.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 17, 2024 at 5:14 AM

Tanya; How did you react that first time when he was just about to enter you?? Had he undressed you? At that last moment did you try to say anything like "we cant do this" ? My sister I know was drunk and caught up in the heat of the moment but she did try to hesitate.. I remember telling her no one would know. How much did it add to the thrill knowing how taboo it was and is???

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by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2024 at 6:46 AM

First time I was wearing a knee length nightdress with spaghetti straps. I wasn't wearing any underwear. As our bodies rubbed against each other it lifted over my waist exposing my privates. He didn't undress me but he slipped down my straps and exposed my breasts to suckle on them.

I was embarrassed as much as I was excited. Till then I had only physical relation with his dad, so in my mind I was ready to have revenge sex with anyone else even if it was my son. On the other hand, the rational part of my mind was trying to stop me crossing the line. I could feel his hard on poking on my crotch, rubbing against it slowly, cleaving my pubic hair trying to find its way inside me. As he was about to enter me I was so aroused but with my last ounce of strength I tried to stop him saying we can't do that.

He didn't try to force me or push it inside against my wish. He gave me some time, telling me that he loves me and it is just two of us now and no one needs to know. But he'd only proceed if I also want to, while still rubbing and humping me, and kissing on my lips. I couldn't resist him any longer and let him get inside me. It was very much erotic and intense, not only having another man inside me for the first time, but also the fact that he is my own son, the taboo definitely added to the thrill.

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by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2024 at 12:40 PM

Did your son cum inside of you or did you use protection? Also, are you open to anal with him?

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by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2024 at 9:20 PM

He came inside me and we didn't have condoms with us that night. But I took morning after pill.

I had anal with him few times but I do not prefer it, neither he does.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 18, 2024 at 4:04 AM

Tanya; My sister resisted at the last moment like you did and finally just said "do it if youre going to" and I pushed into her. Her face had a look of surprise shock and even lust. I remember telling her how dirty she was to let me fuck her,,, did your son say similar things to you?? How did you react and feel to have your own sons cum in you? were you frantic to get the morning after pill or got into the risk of it and took your time getting it?
How surreal was it for you the first time you sucked him, in that it wasnt him having sex with you doing it to you but you were doing it to him you couldnt just think "ok its just him doing it to me" anymore?

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by Anonymous on Dec 18, 2024 at 5:55 AM

No he did not say anything similar to that when we were having sex first time. He showed love and gratitude that I let him do me. Also lust was part of it for both of us, but we just tried to hide it.

When I woke up next morning in his arms, I initially forgot that I had sex with my own son. I just cuddled and hugged him closely burying my face in his chest, until few minutes later when I realized what happened previous night. I felt so guilty. I started getting nervous and panicky when I felt his cum dried on my crotch. I rushed to clean myself up and get the morning after pill.

It was very erotic and naughty when I sucked him first time. I had sex with his dad only before him. So by taking him in my mouth I was voluntarily moving on from my failed marriage and accepting myself being available for other men specially him.

- Tanya

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by Anonymous on Dec 18, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Just don't get pregnant, and don't get jealous of his future wife and ruin his life.

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by Spawn on Dec 19, 2024 at 6:31 AM

Tanya; I remember how my sister was the next morning she was freaking out and scared about what we had done saying it couldnt happen again was wrong all those things did you think like that too? She was pretty panicked about getting a morning after pill and worried about getting pregnant.
What did your son say about knowing he had his cum in you?? I thought it was totally hot thinking how taboo it would be if i got her pregnant.
What did you say to your son the next day about it all were you embarrassed to talk about it???

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by Anonymous on Dec 19, 2024 at 12:18 PM

As I said I felt guilty and panicked the next morning.

He was happy having sex with me and getting a chance to cum inside me. Not sure whether it was a kink but I think he liked the idea of impregnating me also. He said its ok if I ever get pregnant, he'd take care of me and the kid.

It was awkward at first and we couldn't talk to each other or see eye to eye. But before he had to leave and go back to another city for work, I gathered up courage and told him that it was a mistake and only one time thing and that we should never mention it again. He was clearly disappointed but agreed to it.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 20, 2024 at 3:26 AM

Tanya; how long was it before he found a way to get you in bed again? Were you shocked or confused you were letting it happen? How did he get yo to do it, persisted until you gave in or got a little forceful?? Did you try to tell him to at least pull out or knew he wouldnt even if he said he would?

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by Spawn on Dec 20, 2024 at 3:53 AM

Tanya: do you have anything you want to ask about all of this?

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by Anonymous on Dec 20, 2024 at 4:13 AM

It was awkward after he left and we had limited contact after that. But I couldn't stop thinking about it and masturbating. But after couple of weeks the feelings started to subside until around five months later during holidays he informed me that he would be coming home. The awkwardness and inhibition started coming back to me and I didn't know how to react.

On that day, I dressed up nicely and waited for him to reach home, tried to act normally. When I opened the door for him, he entered and gave me a bear hug. Then looked at me and said where I am hiding his mother, that I was looking so young and hot. He proceeded to kiss me on my mouth and grabbing my ass and pulling me closer. I tried to resist him and he let me go and told me 'sorry, I forgot, you don't want this anymore' and just went to his room leaving me behind confused, shocked and discontented.

For the next few days, he kept teasing me by accidental touches, hugs and cuddles, kisses, showing off his manhood and pressing it against me. It kept me on my toes guessing what he wanted to do next and aroused but unsatisfied. Then one night after a dinner date with him, he kind of pulled me inside a dark alley while walking back home and started making out. I was shocked and nervous, telling him to stop that we can't do that and someone may see us. But he said he didn't care as he can't stop thinking about me and started kissing and touching me in a forceful manner. I got too aroused to stop him and gave in to his advances. I was definitely shocked that I was letting him again.

Yes I tried to tell him to pull out but he was too horny to listen at that point and he couldn't stop cumming inside me again. As we walked back home after that, his cum was oozing out from my pussy and dripping down my legs.

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by Anonymous on Dec 20, 2024 at 4:17 AM

Spawn, how did your relationship with your sister progress? Did it go further? Or did you stop after a while? Any regrets you have that I should also consider before proceeding further?

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 20, 2024 at 4:49 AM

Tanya; That sounds so hot did he take you in the allay or took you home and had his way with you? The next time with my sister was a couple days later when I guess you could say the shock had worn off a little for her. It was late at night and i went in her room... it was dark but she was awake... she just said in the dark "please dont do this" ! I got her night shirt pulled up and her panties off, but she resisted me getting her lets apart but finally stopped and and i got on top of her. She just said "please dont" as i went inside her. How surreal was it for you to feel your son hard cock inside you again???

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by Spawn on Dec 20, 2024 at 4:59 AM

Tanya; Thing have gotten to where she doesnt resist to much and she did get an IUD so she wouldnt worry. I have no regrets but it has changed the relationship in some ways. When were around friends or family you wouldnt notice anything out of the ordinarily between us but in private there is a tension or pent up energy... her waiting for something to happen. You can ask anything you want no matter how intimate ill answer as best i can

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by Anonymous on Dec 20, 2024 at 5:01 AM

He took me in the alley and then again after we reached home.

It felt like a trans, I wanted to feel guilty about doing it with him, letting my own son sexually pleasure me and use me, but I couldn't. I started feeling like letting myself free and enjoy it. I couldn't believe that a young boy whom I gave birth was trying to put his own seeds inside me. Also my loathing towards his dad fuelled my desires to let go and just fuck him to take revenge on his dad. I felt like a slut but also started enjoying it.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 20, 2024 at 5:07 AM

How vocal did you get with him? were you telling him to fuck you harder and deeper... to make his mom cum? Did you rush to get another morning after pill or let it go for a few hours risking having his cum in you? Was he telling you hot hot it was to fill you with his cum and maybe getting you pregnant at this point?

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by Anonymous on Dec 20, 2024 at 6:00 AM

I wasn't very vocal with him, but the moans and screams that came out of my mouth with each of his thrusts surprised myself. But when I was edging and he kept teasing me with his cock just rubbing it on my pussy but not entering it I couldn't control and told him to just do it and fuck me. He had a smug look on his face as he proceeded to penetrate me.

I did rush to get my morning after pill though I was not as panicky as first time. The risk slowly started turning me on from that point.

Yes he was telling me how hot I am, that I am a hidden gem that his dad couldn't recognise. Telling me how good it feels to fuck my pussy and cum inside me and that one day he'd make me his woman and I'll be carrying his child. It was such absurd ideas but I couldn't stop thinking about it and getting more and more turned on.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:08 AM

Tanya; How wild and even dirty is it to you when your son is fucking you? Are you ever thinking "What am i doing this is (son) fucking me"!!!.? To me the fact its i****t and so taboo is a huge turn on.
How big of a turn on would it be for you if you could have your ex watch as your son fucked and used you but he wouldnt be abl to tell anyone or report it just live with having seen it??? Do you think anyone you know, knows or suspects about you and your son? Do you think your son want to get you pregnant out of loving you or more the lust and taboo knowledge knowing he made a baby in his own mother?

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:28 AM

It is very wild and dirty and thinking about that definitely adds a spicy layer to it. The orgasms are more intense and long.

It is a huge turn on for me. I would definitely love having revenge sex with my son in front of my ex if he wouldn't able to tell anyone. I have worn revenge dresses and acted suggestively with my son in front of my ex few time we have met at mutual friend's wedding or parties along with my son.

My son loves me and his desire to impregnate me comes both from his love and the primal nature of sex for breeding and the taboo just makes it more intense.

Yes I think few relatives and friends have suspected something is going on between us as we have become so close and how I now dress even around him after the divorce. My pregnancy definitely got them more suspicious and curious.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:40 AM

Tanya your son got you pregnant or someone else??

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:46 AM

Tanya do you have more questions.. you can ask what you want

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:48 AM

My son got me pregnant around four years ago

- Tanya

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:51 AM

Spawn, how old are you two now? and how long ago did it happen? Did you continue it for long or ended after you got into other relationships? Were anyone suspicious during that time?

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:52 AM

Tanya; How did you first react to finding out you were pregnant by him???? Did you have the baby if so who did you tell people the father was??

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 3:58 AM

Tanya; were both in or late 30s now but started in late 20s. We live close but she is here a lot and during covide pretty much lived here. Im sure people notice but no one has ever asked. ,, but it is hot to be able to go somewhere no one knows us and act like a lovers.. people will say what a cute couple we if they only knew huh?? lol

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 4:26 AM

I was scared and anxious. But as I calmed down, I started feeling excited and proud. Knowing my own son's seed inseminated my egg and made a baby and it is growing inside me made me so aroused.

I had the baby. I told that someone I met at a party and had a fling for few weeks is the father.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 4:36 AM

Tanya; Did you try to get pregnant by him on purpose or you didnt get a morning after pill and just went with the thrill of the risk??? Ive told my sister if I get her pregnant she could tell people she went to a party and woke up in the morning and realized someone had fucked her but no idea who..

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 4:52 AM

It was his birthday and he asked me not to take the pill and go with the risk for his birthday present. So I did. I thought considering my age and irregular periods at that time, the risk would be minimum and it would be safe probably.

I wasn't even concerned for few weeks until signs started showing and I decided to buy couple of pregnancy kits. And yes all of those confirmed I was pregnant.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 4:59 AM

Tanya what was the feelings like when you said ok to not taking a pill?? Hot thrilling or slutty? Before Jill got the IUD I had her go a full weekend (friday to monday morning) with no pill she didnt get pregnant or the monday pill worked but it was so hot doing her and she was SO nervous about it.

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:08 AM

I think it was the first time I took the initiative of having sex with him, specially for his birthday. I was definitely feeling slutty and agreeing to him got me more excited and naughty. It was more thrilling than any previous encounters, when I was feeling him pumping his cum inside me knowing that I was going to take the risk and it may impregnate me.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:12 AM

Tanya youve asked some general questions but you can ask specific and detailed questions if you want.

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:20 AM

Tanya; before you finally initiated it were there ever times you said "no we cant" but he TOOK you anyway?

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:24 AM

Spawn, how wild and intense did you two get? Were you more pushy and she was submissive to you? Are you still active and if yes then how often? Do you have your own relationships now and you have to sneak out?

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:31 AM

Its all very intense she was drunk and very much reluctant and I had to be very pushy the first times. we are still active she still has issues with it all but lets it happen

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:39 AM

Yes before I finally initiated on my own, there were times I was hesitant and tried to stop him, but he took me anyway and I couldn't resist him either because deep down I wanted him and gave in to his advances.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:49 AM

Tanya ; how did you feel and react when he made you have sex??? My sister was very drunk the first time I did her and she upset. Is it weird to you that i would force her? she was drunk and I was helping her to bed and out of her dress. She said wheres her t-shirt and i said you dont need it as I took off her bra and panties. in the past Id helped her to bed but not this far. I told her I wasnt dressed either.. i think that when she realized things were going to far...

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:13 AM

To be honest I was very aroused when he took control over me, breaking all my hesitance, getting me excited and desiring for more, with his swift touches, passionate kisses and sweet talks. It was not forced, just he had to get me aroused to a state where my desire and need for physical intimacy would overcome my doubts, guilts and reluctance. But I loved being submissive to him.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:17 AM

Tanya; Is it weird to you that Ive made my sister do it?

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:19 AM

Tanya; do you have questions youd want to ask my sister?

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:24 AM

I think it is weird, unless your sister also had the desire but like me hesitant to do it with a family member. I want to know why is she reluctant but still coming back to you?

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:35 AM

Im sure I caught her completely by surprise the first time she said she wanted to struggle more but wasnt sure I wouldnt get rougher with her. She said she never do it do hard and rough to her and she was sore and raw for a couple days. But I think it triggered something in her that she got off on as for why she has let it happen again and again. Do you have more personal questions for her you want me to ask her?

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 6:56 AM

No I can not think of any that I want to know in more details

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by Spawn on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:01 PM

Tanya, Did you ever come close to getting caught in the act??

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by Anonymous on Dec 22, 2024 at 11:11 PM

Yes I was almost got caught by my sister in law once. We were still in the initial stage of our relationship. My brother and his wife bought a new apartment and they were in the process of moving their belongings. My sis in law asked if she could stay with us for a night as they haven't unpacked everything in their new house. Even though I was hesitant and anxious that she might get a clue about my relationship with my son, I couldn't refuse her as she was family and it would've been rude.

I shared the bed with my son and gave my room to my sil. Later the night when she went to bed, my son and I went to his room. As soon as the door closed behind him, he told me how excited he was for us to be able to share a bed with family around, and that we would have to be extra quite. I was shocked that he still wanted to have sex with his aunt around and I told him that we can't. But he crawled into the bed under the sheet and proceeded to make out with me. I did not try to stop him fearing that may make too much noise for my sil to notice.

He was on top of me, we were able to keep the noise to a minimum aside from a few occasional moans that escaped our mouth when the passion between us peaked. When I felt him releasing inside me, it triggered my orgasm, and I let out a moan. My son put his hand over my mouth to stifle my moan until he emptied himself inside me completely.

After that we stayed on the bed embracing each other while our passion started to go down. But then suddenly we heard a knock on the door, we were shocked and froze in fear, before we came to senses. I quickly rolled him off of me and put on my nightdress hurriedly and throwing my panty under the bed and covering my son under the sheet whispering to him to pretend to be asleep.

I opened the door slightly and asked my sil if she needed anything. She just told me that she couldn't sleep in the new bed and wanted to check if I was still awake so that we could chat a bit more. I told her I was too tired and have to sleep, may be she can watch tv or something and we can chat in the morning. She said no problem. As I closed the door after she left and went back to bed with my son, my heart was still pounding and we couldn't sleep for a while. My son joked if his aunt found out how much of a slut I have become and I felt embarrassed and anxious. We couldn't sleep for a while but didn't try to risk anything again. We woke up in the morning and had morning sex before my sil woke up.

After waking up she had breakfast with us before leaving to unpack things in their new house. She seemed to be in her normal self but I was still paranoid for many more days after she left. She never mentioned anything but she was definitely were suspicious after I was pregnant. But I was able to avert her curiosity.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 12:27 AM

Tanya, how do you think she would have reacted had she walked in on you and saw all??? Do you think she would expose all or keep your secret? I would have to think one way to keep her quiet would be to involve her in it all... im sure your son wouldnt mind having to "keep her quiet" How would you feel watching your son seed her too? What does you son say is the hottest part about doing you is... not about the love... just the sex?

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 12:40 AM

I think she'd have been shocked and angry and expose us. I don't think she'd want to join in any way, She is kind of prudish.

Hottest part of doing me according to him that I am his mom and he gets to cum inside me and take risk impregnating me. That I stayed sexy and hot after all these years and he loves persuading me to try new and slutty things with him.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 12:50 AM

Tanya, what has been the sluttiest things your son has gotten you to do willingly and not so willingly?? And what has been the sluttiest thing you wanted him to do to you? And good

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 1:09 AM

Tanya, as for what happened with your sister... Id have to say she probably heard some of your sex and came to investigate if everything was ok..not sure what she was hearing in a strange place. Buuuut when you opened the door Im pretty sure she could smell your sex on you even if just a little so maybe even then she wasnt sure. Im surprised she hasnt just out and out asked you if your daughter is your sons baby,

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 1:57 AM

I'm not sure whether she had suspected or not, I definitely smelled like sex though it might had been suppressed by al the masculine smell coming from my son's room. I thought she had some idea but it was such a ridiculous idea at that point she might had just ignored it. But she often commented on how much my baby looks like a mix of me and son.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 2:09 AM

Tanya, what has been the sluttiest things your son has gotten you to do willingly and not so willingly?? And what has been the sluttiest thing you wanted him to do to you? And good

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 2:13 AM

Tanya its so hot to think of you talking to your sister and your sons cum running down your legs...

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 2:35 AM

Good morning!!

Some slutty things that I can think of doing for my son willingly were wearing slutty revealing dresses even at public places, giving him blowjobs at cinemas, doing some sexual acts liking stripping and dancing for him at home etc.

I usually don't like doing things too publicly, it scares me. But couple of times he made me fuck and suck him outdoors. Giving him handjob and suck him at a restaurant. Also when we were on a vacation, we found an adult store and he made me giving him a blowjob at the parking lot nearby and came on my face, then took me in the store to buy a dildo and vibrator and told me to pay for them at the counter while my face was still covered with his cum.

I don't know whether I want him to do anything else slutty with me. But I fantasized about having revenge sex with my son in front of my ex.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 2:48 AM

Tanya, That would be wild if your ex saw how much you were into i****t with your son and telling him you werent on the pill and love risking the sex!! Any other family or friends you would find it exciting to have sex with your son while they were in your place??? Would it be exciting if you found out a close friend or family member was also having i****t .. would you want to exchange notes so to speak?

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 2:54 AM

Tanya, any of the times youve been on a vacation together have you made it obvious you were mother son but also ever "close"??? Ive done that with my sister... should have seen some of the looks we!!

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 3:05 AM

I have fantasized about wearing my wedding dress and getting fucked on my marital bed by my son in front of my ex. Then son pumping his sperm inside me and on me, cumming on the dress defiling it.

It's risky but having the risk getting caught by any of the relatives or friends always is very exciting and arousing to think about. But fortunately I never got in such a risky situation after my sil.

I would be very excited and happy if I found out someone else from my relatives or friends have a close consensual relation with any of their family members. I would love to discuss it with them and exchange notes and hang out more often with them, supporting each other.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 3:14 AM

I would video you doing your son in your wedding dress to the Bill Idol song "White Wedding"
That would be hot if you were able to talk with a family member and convince her to take her brother or son bare and risk getting pregnant, Who in your family would you take the risk of sex with your son while they were staying there now??

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 3:18 AM

Yes usually it is my son who does this, teasing strangers and leaving them wondering how close we are. I feel very shy but also excited. Tbh I have indulged myself too in his little play few times. We got looks as well, cringed, shocked but some were also intrigued and curious.

We used to travel to a city regularly when I was marred to my ex and son was still young. We stayed in the same hotel for years. The hotel staffs and managers know us as regular visitors. Even after my divorce we have visited the city few times and stayed in the same hotel. They definitely noticed the change in our dynamics and my looks. I'm sure some hotel staffs heard us going past our room and cleaning staffs definitely found stains on the sheets.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 3:32 AM

If you were to date a guy and trusted him... would you tell him about you and your son? Since youve broken the ice with your son so to speak... is there anyone else of your own family you would sleep with ..your father brother cousin uncle?

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 3:47 AM

My niece is separated after her husband found out she has been cheating with multiple men for last couple of years. I think she is more open minded and sexual and if I ever have to take a risk of having sex with son while some relatives or friends staying over in our house, I would be more comfortable if it is her knowing that she had now explored things that is considered slutty, she may keep it a secret even if she finds out. Though I also fear the opposite, exposing us to make herself look less bad.

If I ever date a guy and even if I trusted him, I wouldn't tell him about me and my son unless I am sure he is into this and doesn't mind the relationship.

I have limited family members now, father, uncles passed away long time ago. No contact with cousins for many years. Only two brothers, one sister. But I wouldn't sleep with any of them even if they were alive or close. Though in very farfetched scenario I would be interested in my nephew.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 4:04 AM

Tanya, Sounds maybe you think if your niece caught you and son she might find it hot to watch or even want to do more then watch... how would you feel watching your son doing her?? And would your son have to overly pressure you to try stuff with her or would you want to try on your own? If one of your brother were to find out about you and son... and he wanted you to have sex... would you do it to keep him quiet??

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 4:18 AM

I think I wouldn't mind and watching my son doing her would be hot. But I won't try to do anything with her on my own unless my son pressure me into it.

Yes I may do it to keep them quiet.

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by Spawn on Dec 23, 2024 at 4:30 AM

Tanya , how much pressure would he have to use to get you to do her... just "come on mom eat her pussy" or would he have to press you face down between her legs??? How would you feel having to do your brother if he made you do it to keep quiet .. would you try at all to get into it or just tell him "do what you want just get it over with"...? Your thoughts of having your brothers cum in you???

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by Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024 at 4:39 AM

I don't know how I react if that kind of situation arises. I think it would be something in between.

I will feel disgusted doing it with any of my brothers, just letting them do whatever they want and get it over with. I will be disgusted taking their cum inside me, may be not so much if it is the older one though.

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by Anonymous on Dec 24, 2024 at 5:59 AM

The amount of fantasy bullshit in this thread is hilariously staggering. Merry Christmas!

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 2:46 AM

Tanya: anything "special" youre going to do for your son for christmas?

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by Anonymous on Dec 25, 2024 at 3:43 AM

No as he is working away and didn't get any leave. So it is just me and our kid. We have sent him a cute pic to keep him connected and show love.

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 4:03 AM

Tanya; sorry he's not there to give you some christmas cheer.. . anything I could do to ... for you to make you feel better??

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 4:38 AM

Tanya; Did you send him any special photos of yourself??

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by Anonymous on Dec 25, 2024 at 4:52 AM

Yes I sent him some nudes and some in my red lingerie

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:09 AM

Tanya; when will he be back so you can get some of what you need? May I as you to describe yourself are you trimmed shaved or natural??

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by Anonymous on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:22 AM

He will be back before New Year's eve.

I am a small fit woman, five feet height. Busty, thin waist, no protruding belly but a little stretch marks. Curvy ass, plump thighs. Long dark hair, brown eyes. I am waxed.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:29 AM

Tanya; Hot you sound very much like my sister shes not waxed but trimmed and shaped.. sometimes just a strip other a V shape. Are you young looking like my sister... she can pass for VERY young and she gets some looks when were out together?? Does he like you to "be" his little girl??

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by Anonymous on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:47 AM

I look young for my age mid 30s, and with some make up I look almost similar age as his.
I get looks when he calls me mom in public and I am dressed slutty.
He likes that I am much shorter and small and I don't weigh much which helps him to dominate me, but not in the way you are describing.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:54 AM how does he dominate you???? how rough does he like to do it to you ever have bruises on your breast or your inner thighs when he has you spread wide and pounding you? When he is using you hard and deep do you ever moan at him to "make your mom your slut".. "make mom cum hard"...?

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by Spawn on Dec 25, 2024 at 5:58 AM

Tanya...heres a hot dare for you.... send one of your brothers that live close to you a couple of your photos in your nightie and just say something like Missing you... see how long it takes him to respond...hehehe

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by Spawn on Dec 26, 2024 at 4:58 AM

Tanya; what do you tell your daughter about the sounds coming from your bedroom when your son is there?

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by Anonymous on Dec 26, 2024 at 7:33 AM

He likes to control how I dress. Makes me deepthroat him. He is not too rough with me. I don't get bruises but has redness on my ass after he spanked me and I get hickey sometimes.

I am not very vocal but he tells me that my moans and grunts get him hot and make his cock more hard.

We have separate rooms and my moans and sounds of our sex don't reach the other room as it is far away. So far I didn't have to tell her anything.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 28, 2024 at 1:42 AM

Tanya; Will you be with friends and family for the New Year eve... would you want to be full of your sons seed when you are?

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by Anonymous on Dec 28, 2024 at 3:36 AM

That's the plan so far. Not sure if that'll happen. But if it happens it will be very difficult for me to maintain my composure. Making small talks with family or friends, while feeling the stickiness and wetness from the seeds my son left inside me would be so arousing.

- Tanya

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 4:19 AM

Tanya; besides you son who would you love to take to a bed room at a family party?

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 4:26 AM

I can not think anyone else but my son now. But in an unlikely scenario, may be my nephew.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 4:35 AM

Tanya; have you ever had two guys cum in you at the same time? If so whos?

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 4:47 AM

No I haven't. When I was with my ex, I only had him and now also I only had my son when I am with him.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 4:53 AM

Tanya; would you tell your son you and your nephew just snuck off and he just filled you???

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 5:01 AM

Oh I would never do that without my son giving me permission beforehand

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 5:05 AM

Tanya; I would tell you "so dont tell him" and pull you into an empty room.....

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 5:30 AM

Tanya; Have you ever been forced to have sex?

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:02 AM

Not forced but coerced to have sex by my son. Haven't had sex with others, but have been groped by strangers in crowded places.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:06 AM

Tanya; How little are you willing the wear around the house when others besides your son is there?

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:10 AM

Tanya; how does it make you feel when he pressures you into sex? do you say anything to him later you didnt like being coerced???

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:18 AM

Since my divorce I have worn short skimpy revealing dresses around others.
I like him him trying to make me agree to his demands. He doesn't force me, but him getting me agree to do it when I am still reluctant makes me feel loved and desirable.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:24 AM

Tanya; would you be willing to wear just stockings and heals?? That is what I have my sister wear here most of the time... and yes one time she had to wear just that around a few of my buddies after she lost a bet.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:29 AM

Tanya; when youve been groped has your son ever encouraged you to let them go ...further?

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:53 AM

I have worn them just for my son, but I can't only wear them in front of others.
No he did not encourage, but didn't stop them either for a while. Then when he took control of me again, he made me blush telling me how slutty and hot I looked that they couldn't control themselves taking advantage of me.

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by Spawn on Dec 29, 2024 at 6:59 AM

Tanya; if your son had a couple of his buddies at the house and told you you had to have sex with them... would you do it and how willing would you be?

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 7:09 AM

No I wouldn't do it and I'm sure he wouldn't ask me either. He may like showing me off and getting other men horny for me, but he is also very possessive and wouldn't want any other man having sex with me.

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by Anonymous on Dec 29, 2024 at 11:23 PM

I've read this whole discussion over few days and it's kept me so horny and wet. I just want to say that you're not the only mother out there who have got pregnant with their own son. I don't have a baby, I could say, yet, and I wouldn't mind having one. When the Covid lockdowns happened, I heard from plenty of other women in several forums telling in private how they were either putting complete stop to baby plans, or now that they had time with their son or more usually, with their brother, they would get on with it for good. There weren't much grey area, like in public discussion where most of us try to tone it down. I had my first i****t sex with my son during lock down, but we had been very warm before that, over a year of cuddling and then months of kissing and touching each other while watching telly at night, not really paying attention to the telly anymore to be honest. I wasn't prepared at all because he hadn't suggested it and I hadn't dare to ask him either. But once he asked during lockdown could he actually fuck me, I just couldn't deny it and in that moment I didn't wanted to go and get condoms, I decided to do it with him without any protection. I was bit worried, but not worried enough to stop us. I had thought to wait and see what happens, but I decided to get the morning after pi ll. Next weeks at d rugs tore where I was working, I saw plenty of women first coming to get morning after pi ll just like I had, and taking condoms with too. But there were also young men who were getting condoms. But I knew that condoms weren't enough and because I had seen it, I knew that they would be soon getting either more rubbers or women came back with prescription for contracetives. I was very horny for few weeks when I saw that pattern in my cus tomers. Year later we watched a program which was about how sex toy se lls had increased, but they should had take a look at how much contracepive se lls increased.

You know, they weren't getting it because of their husbands or co workers, that's for sure. Co workers were out of equation, because most of the people needed to stay in home. Young women might got it because of their boyfriends, but women must've asking their sons to get rubbers for them to not to make themselves look suspicious, and when they realized condoms would get expensive, after their sons they themselves came to get contraceptive pi lls. They would had never get them because of their husbands because their husbands would had planned it already. I was very active with my son every day, and I loved to realize so must've been other mothers too when they had so much time because of not needing to go to work and all the students studying from their homes! I saw similar pattern with young women who must've been daughters or sisters, because anyone with a serious relationship would had got a working contraceptive before Covid.

I loved it and it was also agonising when after few months, friends were visiting each other after they were sure there wouldn't be too much danger, and my friend were visiting me couple of times a week. Few times I was full of my sons seed too, feeling wet but not able to change my panties, but also feeling anxious because she was staying so late and I wanted to get on with it with my son before I would need to go to sleep. When the pandemia had passed, I was in a wedding and had a wet spot on my dress because I had sat down despite having my sons cum in me. I felt the wetness of course but didn't knew it had seeped through. But it didn't mind because we had been celebrating and people were a bit drunk.

very annoying to write when some words are forbidden

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by Spawn on Dec 30, 2024 at 2:48 PM

Tanya, Are you still having wavering thoughts about all of this? Is it any easier knowing their are others out there doing some of the same things you are?

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by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2024 at 12:08 AM

Yes I do. I still worry about the future. My son has been asking me to move in with him. If I agree to that a lot of things bound to change again.
It does not make it easier but it lessens my guilt by a lot.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 31, 2024 at 2:38 AM

Tanya; Does you son say he is in love with you in a Romantic way or do you feel he wants you to move in with him so he can have more control over you and have the taboo sex he wants with you?
When you say is lessens your guilt,, do you have time when you son is having sex with you that in your head youre thinking " what am I doing (sons name) is %$#$& me"!!..?

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by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2024 at 2:54 AM

He says he is in love with me. He has been more romantic since we had a little bundle of joy together. Presenting himself in more mature, responsible and manly way. He bought me a ring, necklace and pair of earrings among many other g*fts recently. Of course sex is a factor too, but I don't think it is not the main factor anymore. He wants my companionship and I want him around more too.

Yes, I had similar thoughts and guilty feelings about having sex with my own son.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 31, 2024 at 3:08 AM

Tanya; Does it still add to the excitement of the sex thinking how taboo it is that the i****t makes it sooo much hotter? Do you have times you want and enjoy feeling slutty as youre having sex?? Im not sure but are you on birth control now?

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by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2024 at 3:23 AM

It does. Even though we have gotten closer and intimate and broke several boundaries, we can not look away from the fact that I gave birth to him and taken care of him without any sexual attraction for so long, but now we are lusting and feeling aroused for each other as our bodies connect in a completely different and primal way of a man and a woman.

I do enjoy being and feeling slutty for him, it is a new experience for me and I can not break out from it.

I have been on birth control since then though I had taken risks few times fortunately I did not get pregnant again.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 31, 2024 at 3:39 AM

Tanya; what questions do you have about your feelings of enjoying feeling slutty and or just the fact your having fun at having i****t? How turned on and or scared were you the times you were off birth control and your son wanted sex with you??

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by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2024 at 4:05 AM

It feels liberating. Acting slutty around him makes me more confident and less guilty about having intimate sex with my son. In the past, I wouldn't even have dreamt of the dresses I wear now a days. But now I am more bold and love wearing them for a man who wants me profoundly. I have worn many revealing dresses for him in public and posed for him as he took pictures of me while I was getting stares.

It was always exciting taking the risk, but after our first it became less scary.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Dec 31, 2024 at 4:17 AM

Tanya; I think being in my sister and cumming in her is the hardest I get and the most intense my orgasms are. Cumming in her the times she been off birth control is like so hot knowing I could get her pregnant! Are there things you wont do or say during sex with your son? My sister wont say stuff like "harder" or "make me cum" . Have you worn dresses around your family or friends that your vagina is exposed? Were you ever still messy from sex if you have?

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by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2024 at 4:28 AM

I am not sure if my vagina was exposed but I did wear a short dress around family and friends few times. Mostly wearing panties underneath but couple of times without also. I was still messy from my sex I had but only when I was wearing panties.

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by Spawn on Dec 31, 2024 at 4:36 AM

Tanya: later tonight will you be around family or friends and which of them would you find it hot if you were in a shorty dress and they could see your vagina? Do you have any questions for me or ones youd like me to ask my sister?

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by Anonymous on Jan 1, 2025 at 1:25 AM

I've got a question. What was it like fucking your son when you was heavily pregnant, did he talk dirty to you?

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by Spawn on Jan 3, 2025 at 5:15 AM

Tanya; If we would meet up how would you feel watching me fucking my sister?

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by Anonymous on Jan 5, 2025 at 4:28 AM

It was very erotic fucking my son when I was pregnant, I was extra horny at that time. He did talk dirty and teased me about being pregnant with his kid and mating with him.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Jan 6, 2025 at 2:53 AM

Tanya: Have you ever been tied down either willingly or not so willingly and and used by that person?

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by Anonymous on Jan 8, 2025 at 4:09 PM

Go on, give us a story about the pregnant sex...

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by Anonymous on Jan 16, 2025 at 12:03 AM

Tanya, I have to tell you, I have been reading the back and forth questions and comments from you all and it has made me incredibly horny. Not just what you all have been doing with your sons, sisters, and others, but that it takes me back to my beginnings with my own mother. I started with her when I was 15 and her and my dad had split. That continued for a couple of years and then she started seeing another guy and I other girls from school. She eventually married him, and I ended up marrying mother woman. We totalling the sex life between us a secret. Around 20 years later, her husband passed away. I had also divorced my then wife. I went to help her through her pain and taking care of selling the property and all. I ended up having to go back to my job and convinced her to come stay with me until she figured out what she wanted to do. About a month into her stay, we rekindled our i****t sex life together. Over the years, and has developed early Alzheimers . She still stays with me and I have a day nurse stay with her while I work. Many times the day nurse will bath her if I am running late from work. That in itself has become an interesting situation between the two of them which I caught when I got home before expected. My house has 3 bedrooms, but I still often sleep in the same bed as mom, and yes, we still have fun. Reading the i****t stories and this one especially has had me setting her stroking myself like crazy while mom is asleep. I would love to chat with you Tanya and to any others that would like. Enjoy your life with your son Tanya. It is golden .

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by Anonymous on Jan 17, 2025 at 3:55 AM

Matt; How did you first get to get your mother to have sex? was it a mutual thing or you found a way to pressure her into it... or was it her idea the first time?

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by Anonymous on Jan 19, 2025 at 4:35 AM

Nice to hear about you, Matt and thanks for the encouraging words. For the last few weeks I was busy and couldn't reply here much as I was on a long break from work and stayed with my son at his place for a change. We enjoyed each other's company very much and had so much fun. It was also a trial run for actually moving in with him for the long term as he was trying to convince me for a while.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Jan 19, 2025 at 6:39 AM

Tanya welcome back! How slutty did you get with him while you stayed with him? If any other people came by his place do you think they suspected you and he were getting busy? How would you feel if I or someone else watched you and your son having sex?

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by Anonymous on Jan 19, 2025 at 10:13 PM

We spent a lot of time mating and succumbing to our primal instincts. He took me out on dates too. We had sex in his car and changing rooms of the stores. I loved giving him a sensual seductive blowjob.

There is a possibility that his colleagues might have sensed something off about us when they came to his place one day, but I'm not sure.

It may be erotic to think about but I would be too embarrassed.

- Tanya

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by Anonymous on Jan 20, 2025 at 2:03 AM

Tanya,, what would be most embarrassing for you if I was watching? It would be hot too see you being seeded by your own son and to be able to encourage him to do things to you that may shock you.

When his colleagues were there did they know you were his mother or what? How were you dressed when they were there?

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by Anonymous on Jan 20, 2025 at 6:09 AM

Getting naked and having sex with my own son in front of others with their knowledge would be embarrassing.

Yes they knew I was his mom. I was wearing leggings and blouse, nothing too revealing but tight fitted revealing my curves enough to look sexy and alluring.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Jan 23, 2025 at 6:58 AM

The thoughts of watching your son having sex with you and being able to tell him some sexy and slutty things to do to you would be so hot! Im sure your orgasms would be mind blowing.

Im sure the way you were dressed got your sons colleagues talking and guessing if you son is doing you and how hot it would be to do you....

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by Anonymous on Jan 26, 2025 at 4:25 PM

They were definitely checking me out and complimented me on my looks. They were surprised knowing my age and that I had a child at this age.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Jan 28, 2025 at 2:05 AM

Tanya.. if only they knew who your daughters father is huh?? Thant would be wild!
If you could confide in your relationship with someone who would it be and why them?
If you were watching me with my sister what would you be encouraging me to do to her?

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by Spawn on Feb 1, 2025 at 6:14 PM

Tanya.. are you taking your son now without being on birth control?

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by Anonymous on Feb 4, 2025 at 4:46 AM

Yes I have been taking him without any protection now. I have gotten bold to go out with him on dates when I was at his place.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Feb 5, 2025 at 1:00 AM

Tanya... when was the last time you were in public or around friends or family with you sons cum on your tits or running down your legs?

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by Anonymous on Feb 6, 2025 at 4:55 AM

About two weeks ago when I was at his place. He took me out at a night club and made me suck him there before taking me into the bathroom stall and fucking me. Then we got back to dance floor while I had visible cum stains on my dress and his cum running down my legs.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Feb 6, 2025 at 5:05 AM

Tanya... Im sure the smell of sex was strong on you. Did anyone notice?

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by Spawn on Feb 6, 2025 at 6:17 AM

Tanya... do you have your sons cum in you right now?

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by Anonymous on Feb 6, 2025 at 9:50 AM

Yes I think it was strong. Some people definitely noticed me giving him a blowjob there around other people. Even after we got back, my dress and makeup was too messy not to notice. He had marked me and I was giving off the scent of his cum from my body that even my perfume couldn't hide.

- Tanya

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by Spawn on Feb 8, 2025 at 12:54 AM

Tanya,, what is something totally dirty and or kinky that YOU want to do with yours son?

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