Ok, tell me if I'm out of line...

Back in college, I met this guy (let's call him him Steve). Initially, he was pretty fun to hang out with, but over the half a year or so I knew him, I grew to like him less and less. At the outset, he told me he was gay, but that is by no means why we had a falling out. The real reason is because:

A.) He got super clingy. He constantly messaged me, wanted to know what I was doing, wanted to hang out, always inviting me to lame social things that I'd feel obligated to go to. At that point he'd latch onto me and follow me around until I felt I'd stayed long enough to be polite.

B.) He constantly touched me inappropriately, even in public. He would walk up behind me, reach around and grab my dick. Not my crotch, my actual dick. And not just a 'boop' or tap, which would have been bad enough, but full on grab and squeeze. He'd do the same thing just walking together, or he'd rub my chest through my shirt. Every time I'd tell him to stop, and he would for all of a day before doing it again.

C.) He took innuendos with me to extremes. Like blatantly graphic extremes, not even trying to hide it. At one point he drunk messaged me on Facebook saying how he, '...really felt we should fuck...' He even said he'd let me be top at first. I didn't reply to that, or even talk to him until the next day, where he apologized to me and I told him in no uncertain terms not to let it happen again.

The kicker, however, was this: he became somewhat close with a really good friend of mine (we'll call him CJ), and when CJ came to visit me at college one day, he told me that Steve had been messaging him almost nonstop for the past week, asking all these things about me: did I like flowers, what did I like to do for fun, what movies did I like, blah blah blah. Since Valentine's Day was coming up, he was convinced that Steve was going to ask me out on a date.

My initial reaction was to say, 'Not a chance,' before putting an end to it once and for all. CJ though convinced me not to completely destroy the guy. At worst, I'd be uncomfortable for one evening with a free meal thrown in. Eventually I relented, and when Steve did ask me out, I agreed, on the condition that CJ could come along, which he was all right with. He even agreed to bring one of his female friends to keep him company.

So on Valentine's Day, Steve picked us up with his friend, and we went out. We saw Chronicle at the movies, then sat at a diner for a few hours sipping milkshakes. And I...surprisingly had a good time. The movie was decent enough, and I enjoyed sitting and talking and laughing. The only problem was that Steve seemed kinda bummed. I didn't understand it; he seemed fine going into the movie, we sat together and shared popcorn, but coming out and sitting at the diner he looked like someone had just kicked his puppy. I tried several times to get him into the conversations, but he just kept mumbling one word answers and going back to sulking. I gave up after awhile. At the end of the night, he dropped us off, I trashed the flowers he gave me (seriously he got me flowers) and moved on.

Three days went by and I didn't hear anything from Steve, until I got the most angry text asking, 'What the fuck is your problem?' When I asked what he meant, he unloaded on me. He accused me of not even giving the date a chance, which I didn't really understand. He claimed I had been more withdrawn than ever and it had killed the mood. It had come up that I had napped before he'd picked us up, and he threw that in my face too, saying I hadn't even cared enough to get ready properly after all of his efforts (movie and milkshakes, a lot of thought went into that one). In short, I was an awful human being, and I had ruined his date. If I didn't believe him, I should ask CJ, he'd tell me (I actually did forward the whole message to him, his response was, 'lol wtf?').

I responded to each point: I had napped because I was at a party the night before, hadn't slept much, and didn't want to fall asleep when the night obviously meant so much to him. I had given the date a chance, by agreeing to go on the date in the first place. Sorry that I didn't magically become gay in one night. And how was I the one withdrawn when I was talking and laughing with everyone else while he sat there brooding?

I didn't hear back from Steve after that for about awhile. And then for about a week straight I got a constant stream of texts from him saying, 'I'm sorry,' and 'Please forgive me,' and 'Can we just talk?' I tried ignoring it, then I started replying with, 'Leave me alone,' and 'Don't talk to me,' etc. He replied with, 'Just tell me why you're so upset and I promise I'll leave you alone.'

At that point I'd had it with him, so I let him have it: I told him how uncomfortable he made me feel, how annoying I had come to find him, how frustrating it was to tell him over and over again that I was NOT gay, only for him not to believe me and insist on more touching and insinuations and overall creepiness, and topped it off with how CJ and my other friends agreed with me on those points. And that was the last time I heard from him. All this was several years ago, but my friends keep teasing me about it to this day.

Seriously though, was I in the wrong?



by Anonymous on Sep 8, 2017 at 7:26 PM

No, but you could have set boundaries form the beginning. and you sound gay even in your writing. So it happened because you let it happen and still letting your friends tease you about it. you might be gay! or man the fuck up and stop complaining like a little bitch.

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by Anonymous on Sep 8, 2017 at 7:52 PM

Just tell the dude that you have gone serious with an old love and stop mulling this over. It's all obvious.

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by Anonymous on Sep 8, 2017 at 11:08 PM

You let that shit go on WAY too long.... as in 1 warning for touching you the wrong way, and a punch in the face the second time he touched you the wrong way.

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by Anonymous on Sep 9, 2017 at 6:40 PM

I somewhat agree with the previous comments in that if the situation was truly horrible for you you should have set boundaries very early in that relationship, or ended it sooner. However, if this truly occurred and ended "several years ago" and you are bringing it up now and telling it as if it were a recent happening then it seems more that, rather than absolution, you regret not becoming more involved with your friend. If so there's nothing wrong with that but in either case you need to let it go and move on.

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