Sex With Someone Gross

This was super twisted and shows how messed up I used to be.

I met this guy 16 years older than me on Bumble. He was ugly as shit. Had a ruddy complexion and looked exactly like Earnest. He was just one of those generally gross people who you want to wash your hand after you shake with them.

Anyways, I knew he was lying when I was talking to him. I knew he was sizing me up like prey and lying to me about everything from his age to his education to his height. He also claimed to have Yorkie but when I got to his house, he didn’t.

I found some sort of masochism in letting this piece of human trash lie to me and tell me things like how his penis was too big for condoms. BS. I think part of me was intrigued that someone would lie so much and think anyone believed them.

Anyways, on our first date, we went to an aquarium and all the way through when I wasn’t looking, he’d snap pictures of me at every angle. He took at least 200. I felt sick but had that flight, fight, or freeze response and froze.

He took me to pizza after and stared across the table at me like I was this little bunny he was about to devour. At the end of the date, he cornered me and said “don’t you think you owe me a kiss?” And forced his lips against mine. It was so gross. His mouth tasted like cigarettes and the remnants of a dumpster. He had really weird blonde facial hair that was a total turn off. Something was wrong with the way it growled.

He did some other creepy things on the date like hug a little toddler girl who wandered over our way…one he didn’t know and the hug was for no reason at all. I totally freaked out and he knew it. But I was still scared of him.

He drove this truck and would drive down the road saying “yip yip yeeeehaaawwww!” Out of nowhere. He watched NASCAR and KC Chiefs football and Fox News. He supported Zionism. Totally piece of w*********h.

He went off on me in his truck screaming (like a woman) about how he didn’t want to have kids and I shouldn’t have a say. I never said I wanted them with him. Yuck. He was obsessed with the song Money by Pink Floyd and would play it over and over. He even reached onto my plate of pasta and picked up a slew of noodles with his dirty hands, contaminating the rest of my meal. Sick.

I found out my sister died and texted and told him. He totally went into predator mode and told me to come over and he’d console me. Of course that isn’t what he had in mind.

He gave me some pot that unbeknown to me was laced with X.

He had me sit on the couch and blatantly lies saying “I love you” then started trying to pull my pants off me.

I wasn’t in my right mind with grief and started making out with him. His tongue was covered in white crap and his breath was awful. He kept ramming it down my throat.

I took my top and bra off and he spent a long time sucking on my nipples and saying dirty things.

I was pretty stoned at this point and he was like “you need to lay down on my bed?” So I did and he took his clothes off to reveal ugly wrinkly hanging butt cheeks and a shriveled up dick.

It was the grossest thing I’d ever seen but part of me wanted to have sex with someone who repulsed me so much. I was curious how depraved me was.

He stood there naked and said “you’re about to find out what it’s like to have sex with a real man” ew

He got me naked and started fucking me hard. Ramming it in all the way and out. It really hurt.

He wanted me to suck his dick so I did, then he got back on top of me and kept going til he came. He didn’t use a condom and dumped his load on top of my vagina. I freaked out; I didn’t want his ugly offspring.

Then, we got in spoon position because he said to and he started poking his penis against my anus. I’d already told him no anal sex. I moved away. He kept poking until he got the head of his cock in my asshole. He smiled and said “there have been a lot of firsts for you tonight little girl”.

I started crying and he screamed at me to get out of his house. He told me I was worthless because of my health problems and that no man would want me because I couldn’t work. He said he deserved a woman like Melania Trump.

Then, I told him he’d gone too far and he said there was no such thing. He said he was just a “man being a man” and turned on a Fox News.

When I got out of there, he sent me a message that he knew how to hide a body. He told me i had to write a letter about how well he treated me to show his father.

Then, he dated other young girls who are like 18-21 while he was 49. I can only imagine what he’s done to them.

So, I knew better but let this guy do all this to me. I know it’s sick I’d let him lie and all. I didn’t even like him but let him do what he wanted to me. I’ll never understand why I did that.


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