Oral Sex

The first time i licked my wife's pussy she was bubbling over and so happy--she told me she loved it, then gave me a huge kiss... or started to. She doesn't like the taste of pussy, not hers nor anyone else's. As a result she does not like oral sex.

Everything else is fine, and she give me head all the time and she is great at it. She likes to be licked, just not the smell or taste after. I've tried washing, brushing my teeth, and gargling after, but she still does not like how it interrupts the flow of sex, so she does not like it.

Any thoughts?



by Anonymous on Feb 11, 2024 at 10:01 PM

Tell her to eat pineapples or douche with cherry syrup.

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by Anonymous on Feb 12, 2024 at 10:09 AM

Mostly it's because of the smell that release from the vagina. It doesn't smell pleasant.
However, there are vaginal washing soap or "intimate soap" available.
That keeps the vagina smelling good at all times and might help her with the oral sex.

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