Just Another Girl

People don't realize that it's not easy to find a partner when you're pretty. They also make assumptions like I'm dumb because I happen to be a pretty blonde. Even after finishing my computer science degree there are people out there who make excuses like I got a higher mark just because I'm pretty.

I'm just another human and I can do the same job as you so why do I get treated so differently. I want to he treated the same as everybody else. I don't like it when men open doors, stand up to give me a seat, or help me up when I trip, but not do the same for another person just because I'm pretty and they are not. I want to find someone who can treat me just like another person, and like and accept me for who I am and not for my looks.

I'm not outgoing or an extrovert like people think. I like wearing cute dresses and slightly revealing clothes, but that doesn't mean I'm an extrovert. I actually wear it for myself. I'm actually quite shy and introverted. It's a bit hypocritical of me to say this but, sometimes I wish some of the nice and introverted guys would have the confidence to come up and talk to me and get to know me without taking my looks into account.



by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 1:48 AM

i treat everyone the same regardless of looks.

you know there are people on the other end of it too--they are good looking so they use it to manipulate people. i do not let that happen either.

there are some things that you mentioned that i do--get up to give a seat. i do that out of respect for my mother, she taught me to honor women, but not just women--also my elders: male or female. those in need or possibly incapable of doing something that i can easily do. why would i not help another human, or animal, that i deem is in need?

if i ever did something for you, such as give up my seat, it would not be because of your looks, but because you are a human, and the mother that lovingly raised me taught me to give my seat to a female, if there is not another available. does that mean you are less human than i, no, it does not--it means i respect the teachings of my mother and follow them to this day to honor her.

i also smile and say hello to strangers on elevators or that i may chance meet on the street. you may be surprised to hear just how many "good looking women" are rude when greeted no differently than i greet that old gentleman i met standing outside the elevator waiting for the car to arrive. it's called being nice. human to human casual interaction is a very human thing to do, but all too often it is taken as a sign of invasion of personal space--get over it. not everyone that gives you a smile when your eyes meet, is trying to get into your panties. some people actually are taught by their mothers to be nice to others, and yes, i say hello to guys and not cute people too.

so i have to ask? do you really believe everyone treats you differently because you are attractive? that is just arrogant, because they do not.

i am known as a quiet, but gregarious person... that is pleasant to be around and even thought of as at least mildly handsome. am i treated differently? i hope so, but it is because i try to be human and humane to all.

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 2:14 AM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so don’t just assume your attractive. Perhaps you have encountered genuine nice people and you should be grateful for that. Get over yourself, loose the arrogance, and then one of those guys you desire might pay you some attention

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 2:15 AM

Average men fears to contact a pritty woman. So I'd propose to you, you've to take a first step toward a men. Sorry that's your fate!

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 6:57 AM

I'm going to take another tack. Your purpose is to reproduce. Natural selection drives all creatures to reproduce with the best selection. This applies whether you're zebra or a plant. As a good specimen you attract the opposite sex. As part of your attractiveness for social animals we include character or attitude, some is 'attractive' other behavior is 'repulsive'. The combination of the two ranks you. Are you a suitable mate? Everything revolves around that rank.

Your physical attractiveness is being offset by your character faults, you are neutral. Not attractive enough to bring a mate forward. In natural selection terms your character has neutralized your physical attractiveness, in social animals character matters.

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 7:08 AM

As mentioned above, assuming you are above average attractive, a lot of women in that situation are full of themselves and extremely stuck up so they think an average nice guy is below standard for them. So guys get tired of being rejected to the point where they dont even try. If you see a guy you like talk to him, open up, ask him to Starbucks or to grab lunch. I think youll be surprised.

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 5:38 PM

Why are you guys being so mean? You haven't been in my shoes or had the experiences that I've had had.

I've been tricked by so called "nice guys" who pretend to be nice. I've had my drink spiked on several occasions and have been r*ped as a result. I used to be in an abusive and manipulative relationship with a guy who was nice to me at the first few months we dated. I felt everything that was wrong was my fault because he told me so and isolated me from my friends and family. If it weren't for my friends and people on the internet I would still have been manipulared, controlled and abused by him. I'm still seeking therapy today. This is why I have trust issues.

I've modelled hefore so would it be arrogance to at least assume I'd be pretty to some people? I have also heard people talking bad behind my back like calling me just a pretty face. And I don't mind nice people who open doors for me, but I do mind it when it's selective and they don't open it for others.

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by Anonymous on Mar 25, 2022 at 11:17 PM

I am commentor #2. There are models of every shape and size nowadays so that doesn’t make you pretty. Seems like it’s more common for larger or unattractive to be models. If pretty is the only way to identify yourself then you will be stuck in the shallow pool. Not really trying to be mean, if you want people to look past your face then enjoy all companies and care about all people the same. Unfortunate about how you have been mistreated and hurt and get help for those experiences

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by Anonymous on Apr 10, 2022 at 7:04 PM

It is a hard world dating pretty girls the guys who do often struggle. She will always have someone talking at her giving her attention and offering stuff. Many pretty girls are just shitty to date because of it you likely get lumped in. As a older man I have taken advantage and having observed very pretty girls isolated swooped in and offered consolation and sympathy to end up taking them to bed. Being a tall fit older dominate man it often led to them serving me awhile. Not my best honest self I admit. working on being better man as I get close to turning 60 I can tell you look for the guys doing good work watch what they spend their time doing and if you notice a guy who is doing small kindness or helping others say Hi. Happy to chat more

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