Straight Male / 46
I Got Revenge
We got married mid college (shotgun). We had two daughters early and both out and married now. We have no problem with the empty nest. We hang with friends often similar to our situation. We hang out mostly at our house and definitely adult version. No sex because all are satisfied with their marriages. Wives usually dress revealing and sometimes do some flashing us husbands. My wife and another husband are always dancing and hanging together. I have been warned to keep my wife away from him. He would cross the line often while they danced together. She often would turn her back toward him and rub his midsection with her butt checks. This behavior went on for months. A recent hangout I caught her on a bar stool and he was frigging her, when she saw me she pushed his hand away. A more recent they were in the backyard almost in the dark he pulled her strapless top down and started mouthing her breast. She quickly push him away and came inside. I decided they were cheating. I had spy cams installed at our house. That Saturday I went golfing. He came over to my house. The video showed my wife didn’t want him to come inside but he did anyway. She keep him at the door. He started coming on to her and she resisted. He would grope her breast and butt but she kept pushing him off. He finally gave up and left. I had enough so I had to decide a way to revenge what they were doing. I ate often at a nearby family restaurant. A waiter there I thought a lot of was single, married, and was moving away the next week. I asked to meet her after work and she agreed. I explained what my wife was doing with our friend and I asked her to help me revenge. I told her I would give her 50 dollars and not asking for sex. She first was disappointed in my wife’s behavior then said she would do it for free. I gave her the 50 anyway because she needed it. The next Saturday evening I got my wife to go to the city park to hang out. We brought feed for the ducks as usual. My accomplish was hanging nearby. When my wife walked away to feed the ducks I flagged the waitress over. She removes a. long over shirt and was wearing a one piece swimsuit. She is tall and slim with long blond hair. Probably in her mid 20’s. I planned for her to sit close and hug but she strattled my lap. She was lap dancing me and had her breast in my face. She even reached in my shorts and pull my erection out. It didn’t take long for my wife to hurry back and yelled what is going on here. My accomplish said she was trying to take this man home but he said he is married. My wife said he is my husband and started crying uncontrollably. My accomplish left so I dealt with my wife. After she settled down she came and sat down. I told her I knew she had been ffing our friend and this is a sample of what my life would be. She cried hard again. She finally could talk again and said she had never ffed our friend. She said they only flirted and I knew I got my balls drained after every hangout. Without asking she admitted our friend came over the previous day and she told him no and keep his distant from her. She admitted her hormones and not like younger days and only made out with our friend to get aroused. She promised to stop and asked was I separating from her. I answered probably not. I never told my wife I set that scene with the waitress up. When we got home she gave me a big long hug. She kissed me and said she noticed I needed draining after the slut got off of me. We went and had a long sex session. I went to the restaurant the next day and tipped the waitress 100 dollars and told her it was successful. The only issue now my wife hangs all over me at our hangouts now when I want to hang with the guys and chat.
- That's Juicy! 16
- Remove It! 6